02 May 2008

Annual Gold Forecast

Price basis is the continuous gold contract price, aka 'spot.' At time of posting it is $850.

Be sure to read the 'fine print' on the chart. There are some important caveats.

We are heading into rough economic and geopolitical waters. Looking forward by early 2010 the weight of exogenous shocks and scandals could be rather surprising to some.

Several masters of the universe will be falling from the heights with their thrones following, providing rather pretty comet-like displays for the children. Their motto might be 'hubris: they just did not know when to quit.'

01 May 2008

Cartes des Principaux Index dans le Modèle Babson

A Tale of Two Charts

Here are two charts with crossover topping patterns.

Notice any similarities?

Yes you are right there are no timeframes included on the charts.

The timeframes are shown in the second chart below.

The correct answer is that we have seen a clear signal of a top, and the Fed and Treasury are fighting it tooth and nail with interventions in an unprecedented manner, with coordinated help from some of the other Central Banks.

They *might* be able to turn it back up. After all its only money and psychology.

But be a little careful about throwing yourself into the gap in order to provide a soft landing to the banks. It might be fatal to the individual, even if useful to the system, which is really all that the Fed and Treasury care about.

For those of the bearish persuasion, be careful about stepping in front of this in short term leveraged positions. There are a LOT of people who believe they are doing the right thing in painting over this rotten mess.

This comparison is from one of our favorite financial analysis sites, The Contrary Investor.

We highly recommend a subscription to any traders who also follow the economic fundamentals.