31 October 2012

There Will Be No Updates Until Monday - Update Fri Nov 2

There will be no updates until Monday, perhaps as late as Wednesday.

Thank you for your concern but I am fine, just out of pocket as they say.

Please do not email until I start posting again.

Bought some additional gold positions on Friday afternoon for my balanced hedge.

Otherwise just catching up on reading, and counting blessings.

"Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me."

J. H. Newman

Have a pleasant weekend.

29 October 2012

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

The US equity markets were closed today but the electronic futures markets were open from yesterday at 6 PM until 9:15 AM today.

The volumes were very light as one would expect.

The US equity markets will be closed as well tomorrow.

The gold and silver futures were also open, which enabled a calcuation of a spot price off the front month. The volumes were so light I am not going to bother with chart updates until tomorrow.

Have a pleasant evening.

Greg Palast: Billionaires and Ballot Bandits

Greg Palast on the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and their buddies.

More at The Real News

US Equity and Option Markets Are Closed

US Equity and Options Markets are closed today because of the oncoming hurricane. The NYSE is closing for the first time in 27 years.

Bond markets are open, but will close early around noon.

The Holland and Battery Park Tunnels will be closing this afternoon, and the bridges will be closing when the winds intensify.  

No man is an island, but Manhattan is.

There are blizzard warnings going up on the lee side of the storm, as the moisture of the hurricane meets the Canadian cold front.

This is likely to be a multi-day event.

My meteorologist friend said that the hurricane may present a new record low pressure reading for this area when it makes landfall in New Jersey, most likely a little to the north of the Atlantic City area.

Millions of people may lose power, and some of them for seven to ten days.

If you are in this area, make any last preparations if you must, but be prepared to stay in your home and 'hunker down' for the next two days. Listen to any public advisories, and if requested to evacuate follow instructions.