24 December 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Unworthy

The New York and London gold and silver markets have gone into an interesting state, wherein much is claimed, but little is ever allowed to leave.

New York and London ought not to be permitted to set prices for the world using the power of the United States Dollar.

There will be a Christmas posting later, but probably nothing on Friday, unless *something happens.*

Have a very Merry Christmas.


SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - As Expected

Shameless greed and theft abounding.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

23 December 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Hit the Miners, Reindeer Games

Gold and silver were hit a bit today, with the miners taking quite the calculated plunge in the afternoon.

It is all antics and reindeer games. Watch your stops and leverage.

Great events are taking place.  Many are confused about what is happening.  Many believe that they are in control of things that they barely understand.  

Things will continue to progress, with something almost like an inevitability.  As for us, we keep our heads down, and our minds on the first things, those things we can affect, and that happily matter the most.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Dow 18,000, Tech Divergent

The US GDP for Q3 was revised upwards to 5% based on higher than expected spending on healthcare.

Stocks had the usual upward bias, with the Dow being pushed towards a record close, with the 18,000 hats breaking out on the NYSE.

Techs were laggards most of the day.

Stock action seems heavy and sluggish, after this big run higher off the plunger earlier in the month.
Have a pleasant evening.