20 February 2015

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - The Decline and Fall of Common Decency

What can anyone really say? 
Lord, help us, even though we do not deserve it.

Have a pleasant weekend.


19 February 2015

China Offtakes 59.12 Tonnes of Gold For Week Ending 13th February

China withdrew 59.12 tonnes of gold bullion from the Shanghai Gold Exchange for the week ending 13 February.
China has withdrawn a total of 8,288 tonnes of gold from the SGE.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Ounce by Ounce - Farewell to Empire

The Capitol stuffs its ears when it hears you; the world reviles you. I can blush for you no longer, and I have no wish to do so.  

The howls of Cerberus, the dog of the underworld, though resembling your speeches, will be less offensive to me, for I have never been associated with Cerberus, and I need not be ashamed of his howling.

Farewell, but make no music; commit murder, but write no verses; poison people, but do not dance; be an incendiary, but play no harp. This is the wish and the last friendly advice sent to you by me.

Petronius, Arbiter Elegantiae, Farewell to His Emperor

The Western gold market is a bucket shop.  Its manipulations are slowly depleting their prospects and their reserves.
Their vaults are being drained of gold, ounce by ounce, day by day, year by year.
They have taken flight from the moral high ground, and have found their true place, in wallowing with pigs.
It is a long walk down a dark hallway to the waiting crowd, and the inevitable day of reckoning, when you too are fallen.    You can and do extend your time by hiding and running, masquerading and lying, but you will never rest, in this world or the next.
Besides the incremental output from mining, the basis for the great Ponzi scheme keeps getting smaller, and smaller. 
Time is on our side.  And this is the nature of our warfare;  we rise by falling.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Have a pleasant evening.