05 August 2015

Gold Leasing Rates Suggest Tightness in the New York Physical Markets

Gold rarely sees a pronounced backwardation in the futures markets, as we have seen in other commodities.   Even a slight backwardation over a period of time is unusual.

This might be related to the lack of heavy physical delivery coming out (being withdrawn)  from the Comex complex, especially in recent times where the number of potential claims are much greater than the ounces of physical bullion actually available for delivery.

Why would you pay a premium for physical within a system that deals in physical at ratios of 120 to 1?   It would seem to be a 'sink' for physical supply, rather than a source.  And the more I look at it the more that The Bucket Shop appears to be a clubby little arrangement amongst cronies.

Does this seem all that hard to believe?  Eric Hunsader says he can now prove that the US Stock Exchanges favor of class of trader over all others.  And the tighter world of NY and London commodity dealing dominated by a few big trading houses is different?

The higher rates to lease gold suggest a tightness in supply to satisfy short term demand.  We saw something like this in December 2013 when gold put in a short term bottom.

The gold is used to satisfy commitments in the market, and then replaced at a later date if the lease is not renewed and rolled over.

I do not know of a reliable source to show how much gold is actuall being leased to satisfy market demands.   But price is at least some indication of the upward pressure that implies some scarcity.

Thanks to the data wrangler Nick Laird at sharelynx.com.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Zombie-nomics and Corporate Welfare - Gettin' Paid

There was intraday commentary here about a large number of ounces of gold taken in delivery yesterday, and JP Morgan's heroic attempt to fill the gap between paper and physical bullion at the last minute.

And yet these numbers are barely rounding errors compared to the global physical markets centered in Europe, the Mideast and Asia.  That is what seems so insane about this 'pricing discovery.'

The US financial system looks like an accident waiting to happen--  again

We bailed out the perpetrators who crashed the financial system, quickly made them even larger, and then stood by while they continued to commit serial financial frauds and  market manipulation, politely referred to as 'rigging,' in most of the global markets. 

See: Citigroup's Unchecked Crime Wave

How nuts is that?  How would you explain the reason for something like this?

Eric Hunsader of Nanex says that he can now prove that the US exchanges favor one class of trader over the others.  Why would the stock market be any different than all the other arrangments we see in our crony capitalist society amongst the pigmen.

Speaking of favoring a special class, want to end a corporate welfare tax loophole and subsidies that would save the US billions and help rebuild the national infrastructure?  Read this.

Have a pleasant evening.

Time for a demagogue break?  Too bad this time we do not have a chance for a 'New Deal.' 

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Breakout Attempt Fails

Stocks made an heroic attempt to break out this morning.

VIX plummeted to below 11.

And yet it failed in the afternoon.

This market looks tired, and very, very fully priced.

Have a pleasant evening.


JP Morgan Saves the Day With a 275,000 Ounce Gold Fill On the Comex

When I saw the CME gold report from yesterday I was a little surprised to see that over 300,000 ounces of gold in futures contracts were stopped, or taken for delivery, so far in August.  And there was a total request for 282,000 ounces just yesterday.

Since there were only 362,000 ounces offered, I was wondering how they would manage this.  Claims to deliverable ounces were still running over 120:1.
And just for grins, where were the biggest requests for gold coming from?  None other than the house accounts of Goldman and HSBC.  What's up with that?

Have no fear, JP Morgan stepped up and moved 276,000 ounces into the 'deliverable' category as show in the second chart. 
And they filled 275,000 ounces of that futures delivery request out of their 'house account' as shown in the first.
Just in the nick of time!
The dirty little secret is that this market is a tiny tail wagging an elephant of global physical demand.   And the tail waggers seem to be slowly, but surely, losing their grip.