23 June 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Anything Goes

Times have changed
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock.
If today any shock they should try to stem
Instead of landing on Plymouth Rock,
Plymouth Rock would land on them.

Cole Porter, Anything Goes

Gold and silver were lackluster today as the markets are holding their collective breaths, waiting for the Brexit results.

Interestingly enough the Dollar DX index was down as well.

Tomorrow may be a wild ride.  The charts are clearly coiled for a move, one way or another.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Begin the Beguine

Brexit results tomorrow.

It might get a little wild depending on the outcome.

Have a pleasant evening.

22 June 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Brexit and Stress Test Results - Exceptional USA

Markets were edgy ahead of the Brexit vote tomorrow.

As our friends at Wall Street on Parade point out, the Fed's latest 'stress test results' will be partially announced tomorrow as well.

The results of the vote are not likely to be known until early Friday morning, as the ballots will be hand counted.  So we will be subject to rumours and speculation tomorrow perhaps.

And in the exceptional column, the IMF has warned the US about its unusually high poverty levels.

Have a pleasant evening.