01 May 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Apple After the Bell - FOMC Tomorrow

Mammon and His Slave
"The devil led him to the top of a very high mountain, and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world, arrayed throughout in their vast material splendors. And the devil said to him, 'All of these, with their mighty power and awesome wealth, I will give to you, if you will only fall down and worship me.' And Jesus said, 'Get behind me, Satan, for it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and him only will you serve.’ Then the devil left, and angels came to comfort him."

Matthew 4:8-11

Apple is reporting its numbers after the bell, along with a few other tech stocks like Snapchat. Apple has apparently beaten its numbers, and is offering some additional monies for stock buybacks and dividends. Snapchat was getting spanked.

Stocks were weak in the morning, but rallied into the afternoon and the close.

Gold and silver were weak on continuing Dollar strength.

Tomorrow afternoon we will hear the results of the two day FOMC meeting. The Fed is expected to do nothing at this meeting except change some verbage.

There is a record short position in US Treasuries, no doubt from punters betting on the continuing upward push in interest rates, and the corresponding decline in Treasuries prices.

When that many punters lean into one side of a trade you might expect the insiders to give them a gut check, with two for flinching.

Short term the US Dollar is very overbought. Depending on what the Fed says and does tomorrow that could become the basis for some retrenchment.

I spent a pleasant afternoon checking out the new E series of John Deere Lawn Tractors and finally bought one.  I am too knackered to keep mowing the yard with the walk behind.  My knee is going to take another couple of months to finally heal from the wrestling match I had this past winter with a fallen tree.

Owning a small plot of land and caring for it, maintaining it as a place of tranquil order and peaceful beauty, is one of life's simple but finer pleasures. 

The world of the fallen will not love you, or sustain your heart.  It will strip your soul bare of happiness and contentment, and devour you.  But God resides in an ordered garden, and delights there with the simplest and most humble of His creatures.

Have a pleasant evening.

30 April 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Acoustic Shadows Within the Credibility Trap - FOMC, NFP Antics

"A good parson once said that where mystery begins, religion ends.  Cannot I say, as truly at least, of human laws, that where mystery begins, justice ends?"

Edmund Burke

"We didn't truly know the dangers of the market, because it was a dark market," says Brooksley Born, the head of an obscure federal regulatory agency -- the Commodity Futures Trading Commission [CFTC] -- who not only warned of the potential for economic meltdown in the late 1990s, but also tried to convince the country's key economic powerbrokers to take actions that could have helped avert the crisis. "They were totally opposed to it," Born says.  "That puzzled me. What was it that was in this market that had to be hidden?"

PBS Frontine, The Warning

"The suspicions that the system is rigged in favor of the largest banks and their elites, so they play by their own set of rules to the disfavor of the taxpayers who funded their bailout, are true.  It really happened.  These suspicions are valid.”

Neil Barofsky, TARP Inspector General

"After dinner, Larry [Summers] leaned back in his chair and offered me some advice. I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule:  they don’t criticize other insiders."

Elizabeth Warren

Welcome, fun-seekers, to a new week, romping through our empire's great markets of freedom for all, and an ever-expanding series of financial asset bubbles and moral hazards since the mid 1990's.

But fear not, it is surely different this time.  All the finest people tell you so.

Today the financial channels were busy presenting the thoughts of the financial elites who were attending the annual Milk'em Conference in Beverly Hills.   Most of that they had to say was self-serving nonsense, but that is essentially what they are paid the big bucks to do.

Stocks were showing a bit of strength today, until Benjamin Netanyahu, the PM of Israel, delivered a national address bombshell saying that he had literally tons of proof that Iran had based its nuclear arms deal on a pack of lies. Trumpolini, who presumably had been given a 'heads up' on this, was quick to add, 'see just like I said.'

And so geopolitical risk tumbled back into the markets, at least for the moment. Stocks slumped and gold and silver took back part of the jamjob they had been undergoing from the open in honor of an FOMC/NFP week.

I think it is reasonable to take a highly skeptical stance on quite a few things that we are told these days. The scolding voice of the very important media poobah may say, 'You little upstart, how dare you question our faithful public servants?'

You dare not question them, and they dare not allow it, because they have so much to hide.

To be caught lying used to be a career-ending behaviour among the privileged, but now it seems to be the rule, almost a right of passage.   Lying has no consequences.  Indeed, it is de rigueur, almost expected, of a public figure.  How else could their fellows trust them to be complacent, to do the corrupt thing?

And these days cleverness is passe—  the more blatant the lie the better, especially if it is punctuated with some vulgar personal insult to show that you mean business, and are not to be trifled with.

But publicly telling the liars that they are liars is considered highly impolite, and 'not unifying.'   Any outsider who dares to tell the elite that they are full of it will provoke alarmed reproaches from their colleagues in the established and the privileged. 

After all, the elite are caught in a terrible credibility trap, and the least amount of truth telling sounds like a gunshot in the room. Our established thought leaders in the media will not continue to be insiders, with access to power and big paychecks, if they openly question or allow impertinent questions to be asked of their fellow insiders.

This uneven distribution of power and lack of moral principles is going to end badly. It always does. And that fear of the consequences of justice is shamelessly deployed to cause reform to lose its nerve.  Do you recall the arguments that were made to justify the last financial bailout?

Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall.   Life will go on.

That will not be the heavens falling, but those who elevate themselves, as if they were our angels, but inside have the very hearts of devils.  And the scales of justice will at long last be rebalanced.

Are we not exceptional? Are you not entertained?

Have a pleasant evening.

28 April 2018

Listen, And I Will Tell You a Mystery

O Lord, pierce our hardened hearts, enlighten our blindness, and break the chains of our pride and self-deception, so that we may choose life.
“We are slow to master the great truth that even now Christ is, as it were, walking among us, and by His hand, or eye, or voice, bidding us to follow Him. We do not understand that His call is a thing that takes place now. We think it took place in the Apostles' days, but we do not believe in it; we do not look for it in our own case.

God beholds you. He calls you by your name. He sees you and understands you as He made you. He knows what is in you, all your peculiar feelings and thoughts, your dispositions and likings, your strengths and your weaknesses. He views you in your day of rejoicing and in your day of sorrow. He sympathizes in your hopes and your temptations. He interests Himself in all your anxieties and remembrances, all the risings and fallings of your spirit.

He encompasses you round and bears you in His arms. He notes your very countenance, whether smiling or in tears. He looks tenderly upon you. He hears your voice, the beating of your heart, and your very breathing.

You do not love yourself better than He loves you. You cannot shrink from pain more than He dislikes your bearing it; and if He puts it on you, it is as you would put it on yourself, if you would be wise, for a greater good afterwards.

God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission -- I may never know it in this life but I shall be told it in the next.

I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught.

I shall do good, I shall do His work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not intending it if I do but keep His commandments.

Therefore I will trust Him. Whatever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him. If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.

He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about.

He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers. He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me -- still He knows what He is about.

Let us feel what we really are--sinners attempting great things. Let us simply obey God's will, whatever may come. He can turn all things to our eternal good. Easter day is preceded by the forty days of Lent, to show us that they only who sow in tears shall reap in joy.

The more we do, the more shall we trust in Christ; and that surely is no morose doctrine, that leads us to soothe our selfish restlessness, and forget our fears, in the vision of the Incarnate Son of God.

May the Lord support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.

Then in His mercy may He give us safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at last.”

John Henry Newman

The mighty rise, are fallen, and forgotten— but the word and the spirit endure.
"In the Incarnation the whole human race recovers the dignity of the image of God. Thereafter, any attack even on the least of men is an attack on Christ, who took on the form of man, and in his own Person restored the image of God in all.

Through our relationship with the Incarnation, we recover our true humanity, and at the same time are delivered from that perverse individualism which is the consequence of sin, and recover our solidarity with all mankind."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

27 April 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Downward Spiral of Dumbness - FOMC and Non-Farm Payrolls Next Week

“I know not why any one but a schoolboy in his declamation should whine over the Commonwealth of Rome, which grew great only by the misery of the rest of mankind. The Romans, like others, as soon as they grew rich, grew corrupt; and in their corruption sold the lives and freedoms of themselves, and of one another.”

Samuel Johnson

"This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men."

John Perkins

"A nation can be one or the other, a democracy or an imperialist, but it can’t be both. If it sticks to imperialism, it will, like the old Roman Republic, on which so much of our system was modeled, lose its democracy to a domestic dictatorship...Once you go down the path of empire, you inevitably start a process of overstretch, of tendencies toward bankruptcy, and, in the rest of the world, a tendency toward the uniting of people who are opposed to your imperialism simply on grounds that it’s yours, but maybe also on the grounds that you’re incompetent at it.

It is time to realize, however, that the real dangers to America today come not from the newly rich people of East Asia but from our own ideological rigidity, our deep-seated belief in our own propaganda."

Chalmers Johnson

Stocks were wobbly today but not dramatically so.

Gold and silver managed to take a little back from their recent losses as the Dollar backed off sharply from its intraday high.

There will be an FOMC meeting next week. There is about a 35% probability of a rate hike at this meeting. We will have to watch the early economic data in the week, especially the PCE, to see if that probability might move a bit.

And on Friday there will be the April Non-Farm Payrolls Report.

Have a pleasant weekend.