12 June 2008

And the Holder of that New Mortgage Liability is.... You

A nice piece of deduction by Yves Smith over at Naked Capitalism.

If you are holding US dollars, you are exposed to this.

So Much For Free Markets: Federally Sponsored Mortgages at 90% Share

The US government has gone from being the biggest player in the mortgage market
to being just about the only player. Per recent reports sent by an alert reader, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae now finance 80% of all mortgages, and the FHA guarnatees another 10%, so these entities now come close to having mortgage finance all to themselves.

Having Fannie and Freddie, be this large, as we mentioned before, is disruptive to the credit markets. The GSE hedging of their derivatives book is pro-cyclical, increasing the amplitude of bond market price moves. Indeed, the Fed was worried that the scale of these operations in 2001, seeing possible systemic risk, but the
restrictions imposes as a result of accounting scandals took care of that problem for a while.

First, on Fannie and Freddie, from Associated Press:

Freddie Mac and its fellow GSE Fannie Mae are now financing more than 80 percent
of all mortgages in the U.S., up from 40 percent a year ago.

As lenders rely on Freddie Mac to buy their loans, the company is charging higher prices and increasing market share. Freddie Mac, which has a $738 billion portfolio of mortgage bonds and guarantees $1.78 trillion in home loans, is raising prices next month for the fourth time.

"We are nearly the only game in town, and we think we are going to be able to enjoy that position for a number of years," Piszel said....