04 November 2008

How Important Is the Yen Carry Trade?

Fairly significant, at least for US equity markets.

We show the relationship of the SP 500 in our Yen chart every night.
But we like this format from our friends at The ContraryInvestor.com
who are true masters of the pictorial display.
This does not imply cause and effect per se. As equities decline, the trade goes off, and as equities rally the trade is on.

Is this use of international currency exchange rates arbitrage the types of thing that one had in mind when discussing competitive advantage and global trade?

Did Michael Porter fail to consider the sheer amount of gambling that can overtake markets?

Are the currency market relationships reflecting international trade balances, soundness of national economics, and relative returns based on ... Forex Roulette?

As you may recall in the short term markets given over to speculation may have little or no relationship to fundamentals, which assert themselves in the long term trends.

In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.
This is how equity markets can shake themselves apart. We had always looked to the bond and currency markets as better and more stable indicators of values. Certainly with large short term moves, but always showing more sense when the equity market punters were frothing.

Those trying to conduct productive business with 'real things' in this environment must feel like they are trying to play a game of chess on a roller coaster.

We appear to be in times of general speculation, with wide reversions to the means creating resonances that might shake the world. These are the types of markets that give rise to new powers and great fortunes, test the fabric of relationships, and bring down old institutions.

Is the tail wagging the dog? Again? It appears to be.