Le Proprietaire has favored shopping at Harrod's at holiday time for many years, and finds the Food Halls to be a delight. One has to wonder if buying gold bars 'off the shelf' in size such as this indicates that there is a market to be made in London for lower scale purchases.
The Prechterian wave weenies may see anecdotal 'signs of a top' in this, but in general they have been chasing themselves silly throughout this entire multi-year bull market.
One has to wonder if the Harrod's card could be used for this type of purchase. Do they deliver the gold in their familiar green trucks? Perhaps at least provide a reinforced shopping bag for takeaway.
Ah, a ceramic post of Stilton and a box of cream crackers. Those were the days.
Harrods adds gold bars to its luxurious image
The store announced Thursday that it has joined with Swiss refiner Produits Artistiques Metaux Precieux to offer gold bars weighing 27.5 pounds (12.5 kilograms). The move comes as gold prices have been going through the roof. On Wednesday, they hit another record high of $1,072 an ounce.
Based on Thursday's afternoon gold fixing price in New York, a gold bar would cost about $462,440. Customers can buy the gold through Harrods financial arm Harrods Bank, which is located in the central London's department store (didn't that used to be Lloyds? - Jesse)
"The financial environment has kindled a new demand for physical gold amongst private investors in Britain," said Chris Hall, head of Harrods Gold Bullion."Up until now, however, London has had no well-recognized name serving this market," he added.
Many investors believe it is currently safer to invest in gold than in stocks, property, or currencies.
"The fact that a company like Harrods is moving into the physical gold market is interesting ," said Adrian Ash, head of research at Bullionvault.com, the online gold trading company. "It shows gold is moving back into the mainstream, having spent two decades in the arena of cranks and gold bugs."
Mehdi Bakhordar, managing director of Produits Artistiques Metaux Precieux, said Harrods was the only location in London where investors could buy a 27.5 pound (12.5 kg) gold bar "off the shelf."
15 October 2009
An Opportunity for Purveyors of Gold in London
gold rally,
retail gold sales