02 July 2010

US Non-Farm Payrolls Report for June; Unemployment at 16.5%

Despite the 'improved' rate of unemployment, achieved by eliminating unemployed people from government statistics as if they no longer matter, the plunge in jobs growth broke an important uptrend which had been fueled by temporary, lowpaying Census jobs.

This chart looks like Obama's post election popularity. The Democrat's are heading into a November bloodbath at the polls. Obama might wish to consider firing Tim and Larry now, rather than as a reaction to angry party members and supporters. Timmy is a busboy, and Larry has failed at every real job he has attempted. Looks like he is running out of tricks. Robert Reich and Elizabeth Warren are the kinds of people you should be bringing in.

A weak and insecure leader surrounds themselves with sycophants, cronies from the old neighborhood, and the hand picked stooges of the powerful. But at some point you need to get the job done for the people when you hold the reins of power. In the commercial world we used to say, "You are not really promoted, until you are successful." And in case you have not noticed, you are on your way to palooka-ville.

People of substance, Barry, people of substance. There is no substitute.

Unemployment according to the U6 Alternate Measure was steady at 16.5% thanks to discouraged workers dropping off the radar screen.

U6 Unemployment: Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workersLabor force status: Aggregated totals unemployed