25 February 2011

Prospects for US Banks and the Economic Recovery

The reason for the bailouts and the debasement of the currency is not to promote an economic recovery in the US. Far from it.

The objective is the same as it is in other countries around the world dominated by monied interests, such as Ireland.

The purpose is to save the banks and their bondholders, and the financial status quo. To this end the peoples' interests will be sacrificed if they allow it.

The US government is caught in a credibility trap. They cannot inspire confidence and re-establish the soundness of their economy, because they are not able to make the necessary reforms that would actually justify such a renewed confidence, to make it credible and real.

They cannot make these reforms because to do so would shatter the facade of the status quo which is corrupted and complicit, and includes far too many of them both directly and indirectly. This they fear more than anything else.

So they try to bluff their way out of it, hoping for a break, engaging in even more fraud and deception and debasement. And the financial looting continues while the real economy declines and the ordinary person suffers.

And it is working, because some vocal portion of the public shows itself to be easily led by slogans, faux news, financial carnies, and the manipulation of their lowest emotions, even to their own destruction. And the rest seem too often dulled by apathy and diversion.