09 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Eventide

"Peace I leave you; my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give it to you; so do not let your heart be troubled, do not let it be afraid."

John 14:27

Since today was interesting I wanted to at least provide charts updated with the last two days action.

The US dollar caught some strength today off of British pound weakness as a consequence of the election results and a 'hung Parliament.'

The crookedness is glaringly apparent now for any that would look at it with eyes and ears open.

When greed is a culture's moral benchmark, and its leaders are like childish louts, what else would one expect.

I hope to be back on Monday. Things seem to have stabilized here, which is welcome. I sat with the queen all day yesterday and today.   She is wobbly and has fallen.  One of the goddaughters arrived after work to give me a break and take over the watch.  Doctors visits next week to find what has gone amiss.

Have a pleasant weekend.