22 May 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Complexities and Simplicities and Misdirections

“Many people think of our times as being the last before the end of the world. The evidence of horror all around us makes this seem possible.  But isn't that a consideration of only small importance?   Doesn't every human being, no matter which era he lives in, always have to reckon with being accountable to God at any moment?  Can I know whether I'll be alive tomorrow morning?"

Sophie Scholl

"He has shown you what is good. The Lord requires you to act justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8

Fraud is wrapped in complexities, of the most artificial kinds, which aid one to deceive and be deceived.

Goodness walks with simplicity in the light.

We know what we are to do. But we make it complicated on purpose, and raise issues and false considerations.  Our darker selves resist the simplicity of the Lord, and the plainness of His tender mercies.

Grandeur and complications are the trappings of weakness and insecurity.  If someone cannot explain plainly what it is that they do or propose in response to a honestly informed question, without cloaking it in jargon and tenuous rationales, then one might well suspect its soundness.

And if simple questions are answered with ad hominem attacks, then you can be almost sure it is poorly constructed, at best and fraudulently misdirected at worst.

Stocks were attempting to rally today, but fell off towards the close of trade as the tweets of Trumpolini raised doubts about the meeting with North Korea.

The precious metals are in stasis, in observance of the upcoming options expiration on the Comex this Thursday.

It was a bit thrilling to watch the launch of the Iridium LEO satellite on a Falcon 9 rocket this afternoon. I remember when the LEO concept was first floated out as a commercial possibility, way back when. Our team was doing custom satellite work under contract for the government, and some VSAT work for commercial enterprises.

It is nice and refreshing to see the brainpower and energy of the US being used for something other than fictionalization and fraud.

Have a pleasant evening.