31 October 2018

Caravan of Terror Surging Kind of North, a Blitzkrieg of Walking Families - 15,000 US Troops Being Deployed

Their forward progress is deceptively slight, as shown in the map below, and their numbers have decreased to 4,000.  Hmmm....

Perhaps these clever devils have taken a page out of Macarthur's  Korean war book,  those copycats, and are planning an amphibious landing at Acapulco.    A target rich environment, a rich and complacent resort town, just ripe and ready for plunder.

With this fiendish maneuver they can catch the 8.8 million unsuspecting residents of Mexico City in an insidious pincer movement—  and shame them into submission with their lack of just about everything.

Not to be outdone, Trumpolini is now mobilizing 15,000 troops to defend our Southern border.

But why has he not called upon NATO?   Hmmm, why not indeed, Comrade?

The last time one of these caravans put forward in the Spring of this year 14 people actually made it to the US border. 

If even more make it this time, perhaps 15, when then bring it, we like those odds—  1,000 to 1.  Shock and awe.  But we must be vigilant and never resist the feelings of panic and terror that support an excessive military response—  and expense.   Got to keep the MI Complex fat and happy.

What if these jokers quantumize their stealth capability using AI, and develop hypersonic capabilities supplied by You Know Who. 

They might even launch an airborne assault, and land in Grovers Mill, NJ!   On Halloween!  Hey, that's outside Princeton, near my 'hood!

See the impending doom to which my complacency and lack of hysterical gullibility has led me!  I better go pick up some milk and bread.  And find the ammo for my HK-91.  Where the heck is that anyway, in the sock drawer?

Are we losing ground in the new race to save the planet from the huddled masses, the influx of hordes of impoverished immigrants—   from Mars!!   Yes, you did not see this coming, you fools.

This is not impossible, and there is a precedent for this in the annals of science fiction.  Look it up.

What next, what terrors must we endure, as they and others like them ungratefully flee from the kindly gangs and benevolent oligarchs in Central America and the 'Red Planet' (hmmm...) in search of a better welfare deal and more freedoms to steal from the unsuspecting.

We are the victims again!

Oh the humanity!!

Given this junk and all the phone calls and door knocking, and increasingly loud and crazy ads on TV, I and many others will be glad to see this midterm election over.   And we don't even live in a swing state!   Those poor bastards must be enduring a living hell of press and pollsters and political signs covering up their broken storefronts.

But will we be caught, unsuspecting again, in 2020?

The future does look grim, indeed.