24 October 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - The Walking Dead and the Markets

"But I have always been seated in first class!  Let me talk to your supervisor."
“When you see clouds forming in the west, you say, ‘A storm is gathering’? And then the rains come. And when you feel the south wind blowing, you say, ‘Hot weather is on the way.’ And so it happens. What hypocrites you are. You are so good at forecasting the weather, but you are totally unwilling to accept the spiritual significance of the times in which you live. You can’t even think for yourselves, and choose what is righteous and good."

Luke 12:54=57

"I urge you, brothers and sisters, to be wary of those who cause divisions and undermine the faithful, in opposition to the teaching that you have learned. Avoid them. For such people do not serve our Lord, but their own appetites. And by clever words and flattery they deceive the hearts of the innocent and naive."

Romans 16:17-18

The markets appear to be on edge.  A reckoning seems to be coming.

It is probably only a matter of time, given the sheer amount of brazen shamelessness and lying.

The mispricing of risk is doing its bad work.  And some day in the not too distant future, some market sector, rotten with hidden risks, will rise up like a horde of the walking day, and assault the financial markets as had happened in 2008.

They be doing so already, given the huge amounts of money that the Fed is being required to administer to the Banks, now on a daily basis and in size.

And as for yourself, and the things that truly matter, do not follow this one, or that one.  Or believe in this school, or that school.  Or be excited and disquieted and misled by false words and flattery from demagogues and con men.    When you are judged you will not be asked who you know, and what influences and groups you may have followed as you do now.

For you know without a doubt that the things which you loudly and proudly proclaim now will seem useless and utterly impertinent and foolish then.

Rather, walk with God, with your eyes on His light as He has given it, and let others follow as best that they may.  For they will answer for themselves, as you will answer for your own.

Have a pleasant evening.