17 September 2020

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Of Plagues and Ponzis and the Devil - Quad Witch Option Expiration Tomorrow

"This (pandemic) has, indeed, been a war against an invisible enemy. But it was fought with lies and coverups instead of a carefully constructed, long-term battle plan that all Americans were committed to and engaged in."

Pam and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade


"The loveliest of the Devil's tricks is to make you believe that he does not exist."

Charles Pierre Baudelaire


"Foolishness has a knack of getting its way; as we should see if we were not always so much wrapped up in ourselves.  In this respect our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words they were human: they did not believe in plagues." 

Albert Camus, The Plague


The plague is indifferent to whom it sickens and kills.   But the Devil believes in you, desire to consume you.

Stocks took a dive this morning, but managed to claw a chunk of it back into the close. 

Gold and silver were also hit, but finished in the green. 

These are pre quad witch shenanigans. 

I hope they did not unnecessarily whipsaw you out of your positions. 

I came in short stocks and light on gold in my trading position, but covered and took some gold longs in the first hour.

The dollar moved lower. 

The more physically tied Hong Kong gold warehouses are very light on the metal. 

Let see what antics the Wall Street wiseguys will have for us tomorrow. 

And what antics the Washington clown show might provide to shake things up for the weekend.

Have a pleasant evening.