09 October 2020

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Just Because - Time Is a Flat Circle

"Time is a flat circle.  Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over again— forever.  This place is like somebody's memory of a town, and the memory is fading.  It's like there was never anything here but jungle. "

 Rust Cohle, True Detective


Stocks were in rally mode today. 

 Like the song says, 'Just Because.' 

The VIX was lower, which seems to indicate a 'risk on' attitude. 

But interesting, the Dollar was sharply lower. 

And gold, and especially silver, were also in rally mode, with silver getting its beta on. 

So what's up with this. 

Well, as I had mentioned, China returned to business this week, after celebrating National Day.

Perhaps it is a little more complex than the spokesmodels and bull market geniuses may allow. 

As you may have noticed my posting has been brief lately. 

I have been struggling with an eye problem for the past week or so.   Reading, especially from a computer screen, has been fatiguing.  

I threw in the towel on over-the-counter seasonal allergy and traditional treatments, and went to see my ophthalmologist earlier this week.  Normally I just see him once a year.

Pain is a wonderful motivator to try something new. 

And it appears I have an eye infection that was worsening.   

I don't know how it got infected. I have never had this happen before. 

But an array of pricey prescription treatments seems to be improving things. 

 So perhaps I will feel more expansive next week. lol 

Have a pleasant weekend.