01 December 2020

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Malignant - Metals Soar After Calculated Option Expiration Takedown


“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” 

Søren Kierkegaard


“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election. There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results.  And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that." 

Bill Barr, US Attorney General 


"Gold and silver had a follow on hit this morning, but they took much of that back into the afternoon.  Gold in particular hit its 50 percent Fibonacci retracement support level intraday.   This was a buy point in the metals for me, fwiw.   Silver rebounded with a vengeance.  Bought that on the slump too.   It does look to me like the usual wash and rinse action we see around a big contract month expiration, and is often a multiday event.  There is no bigger contract month for gold than the December contract.  And this does seem to be an annual event. Especially with the regulators asleep at the switch."

Jesse, 30 November 2020


"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." 

Charles Mackay 

 Gold and silver rebounded sharply today.

The Dollar resumed its decline.

Stocks soared, but gave up a chunk of their gains in the evening.

I reduced the size of my miner positions a bit late today.  They were a bigger bet than I like to carry, but it was worth it.

The bottom and the cause of the decline were telegraphed pretty clearly.

It was the grift.

Maybe it's time to stop believing the grifters, to let go of the sweet and simplistic delusions of their lies, and come home.

Out of the images and shadows into the light.

Have a pleasant evening.