04 March 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Seeking Safe Harbors


"But, what creates the most intense surprise,
His soul looks out through renovated eyes."

John Keats, Ode to Apollo

"Our little systems have their day;
They have their day and cease to be:
They are but broken lights of thee,
And thou, O Lord, art more than they."

Alfred Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam

“Many politicians are tantalizing storytellers, as they mix facts with fiction, grab our emotion and tell things they want us to believe.  Their factoids are unremittingly reiterated, take a life on their own, and in the end become the very truth— until the bubble bursts." 

Erik Pevernagie


"When humanity, subjugated by the terror of crime, has been driven mad by fear and horror, and when chaos has become the supreme law, then the time for the empire of lawlessness will have come." 

Friedrich Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse


"Some day an absolutely correct verdict—if you like, a perfect critique—will be passed on what each of us is.   We shall not only believe, we shall know, beyond doubt in every fibre of our appalled or delighted being, that as the Judge has said, so we are: neither more nor less nor other.  We shall perhaps even realize that in some dim fashion we could have known it all along.  The unanswerable and (by then) self-evident truth about each will be known to all." 

C. S. Lewis, The World's Last Night

The Jobs Report came in hot today. 

This seemed to provoke more of a lean to a Fed tightening down further on their asset purchases, and also raising rates, as early as this month. 

Stocks took another dive lower, and managed only a small bounce off the lows for the close.

The war in the Ukraine continues to unsettle markets, and pierce the Panglossian bubble of risk mispricing.

Gold, silver, and the Dollar continued to power higher in a flight to safety.

Bitcoin continues to wallow.  

Year to date 'digital gold' compares with the Nasdaq 100, while the 'pet rocks' are performing like safe harbors.

Let's see if gold and silver can hold their breakouts.

Have a pleasant weekend.