19 April 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Behold All Things Made New


"They boast with pride about things of which they should be ashamed.  They think only about the privileges and glories of this world."

Philippians 3:20

"Some may then ask, why did He not manifest Himself by means of other and nobler parts of creation, and use some grander instrument, such as the sun or moon or stars or fire or air, instead of appearing as a mere man?   The answer is this. The Lord did not come to make a display. He came to heal and to teach suffering humanity. For one who wanted to make a display the thing would have been to appear and dazzle the beholders.

But for Him Who came to heal and to teach, the way was not merely to appear here, but to place Himself in the service of those who needed Him, and to be made known to them as they could bear to accept it, not misappropriating the value of the Divine appearance by exceeding their capacity to receive it, to make use of it."

Athanasius, On the Incarnation

"Wonderful providence indeed which is so silent, yet so efficacious, so constant, so unerring. This is what baffles the power of Satan. He cannot discern the Hand of God in what goes on; and though he would fain meet it and encounter it, in his mad and blasphemous rebellion against heaven, he cannot find it.  Crafty and experienced as he is, he appears like a child or a fool, like one made sport of, whose daily bread is but failure and mockery.

If even devils, sagacious as they are, spirits by nature and experienced in evil, cannot detect His hand, while He works, how can we hope to see it except by that way which the devils cannot take, by loving faith?"

John Henry Newman

The Dollar moved higher on increases in Treasury yields, and especially because of the differentials with other nations in the DXY index.

Gold and silver were hit hard by the same.

Stocks enjoyed a risk on day surprisingly enough.

Let's see if the bulls can keep the 'exuberance' going.

When haughty people strut their stuff, the result is almost always unintentionally funny.   

That is because they have lost their way, and true sense of who they are.

Have a pleasant evening.