04 November 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Douce France - Precious Metals Stampede Higher


“Do not grieve or complain that you were born in a time when you can no longer see God in the flesh.  He did not in fact take this privilege from you.  As He says: ‘Whatever you have done to the least of my brothers, you did to me.’”

Augustine of Hippo

“To whom will the sublime beauty of a sunset or a Ninth Symphony of Beethoven reveal itself, but to one who approaches it reverently and unlocks their heart to it? To whom will the mystery that lies in life and manifests itself in every plant reveal itself in its full splendor, but to one who contemplates it reverently?

But those who see in it only a means of subsistence or of earning money, that is, something that can be used or employed, will not discover the meaning, structure, and significance of the world in its beauty and hidden dignity.”

Dietrich von Hildebrand

“A church that doesn't provoke any crisis, a gospel that doesn't unsettle, a word of God that doesn't get under anyone's skin, a word of God that doesn't touch the real sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed -- what gospel is that? Very nice, pious considerations that don't bother anyone, that's the way many would like preaching to be. Those preachers who avoid every thorny matter so as not to be harassed, so as not to have conflicts and difficulties, do not light up the world they live in.”

Oscar A. Romero

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

Teresa of Calcutta

And the metals surprised to the upside. Yo buddy, did they. 

I had made a fairly substantial directional bet yesterday afternoon that we would get a bounce in the precious metals and miners today. 

But I have to admit, I absolutely did not see a rally of this size in the metals coming in one day.

Nevertheless, it was a good day, and I will take it.

And I withdrew back to the higher ground for the weekend.

The Dollar took a serious dive today, one for the record books.

I am not even going to lay out the rationale that the stooges put forward to explain this volatile stock market action.

They always sound good after the fact.

A rinse follows wash.  That was the long and short of it.

A lot of small dogs were making hay riding these easy shorts on certain economic events, shorting the miners and metals.  

And the big dogs were overdue to serve them up a 'Wile E. Coyote moment' and remind them who runs Bartertown.

We are becoming a nation of victims and con men. 

But the autumn day today was a gift from God.

And for this I am grateful, as we are all.

Have a pleasant weekend.