26 July 2023

Stocks and Precious Metal Charts - The Arsenal of Plutocracy


"There is no meritocracy:  it's just the 1 percent, and the game is rigged.  We elected Obama to hold the 1 percent accountable.  So why are they still running everything?"

Thomas Frank, Salon, March 16, 2014

"In my view, Democrats will not retain the White House, will not regain the Senate or the U.S. House, will not be successful in dozens of governor races across the country, unless we generate excitement and momentum and produce a huge voter turnout.  With all due respect – and I do not mean to insult anyone here – that turnout, that enthusiasm, will not happen with politics as usual.  The people of our country understand that given the collapse of the American middle class, and given the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing, we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics.”

Bernie Sanders, Democrat National Committee, August 28, 2015

"Housing, healthcare, child care – costs are out of sight.  Young people are getting crushed by student loans.  Working people are in debt.  Seniors can’t stretch a social security check to cover the basics.  And even families who are OK today worry that it could all fall apart tomorrow.   Here’s the thing: America isn’t going broke.  The stock market is breaking records.  Corporate profits are at all-time highs.  CEOs make tens of millions of dollars.  There’s lots of wealth in America, but it isn’t trickling down to hard-working families like yours.  Does anyone here have a problem with that?  Well, I do too.  People get it: the system is rigged."   (Who was the incumbent President again?)

Elizabeth Warren, Democratic Convention, July 25, 2016

"The American white-collar class just spent the year rallying around a super-competent professional (who really wasn’t all that competent) and either insulting or silencing everyone who didn’t accept their assessment.  And then they lost.  Maybe it’s time to consider whether there’s something about shrill self-righteousness, shouted from a position of high social status, that turns people away.

The even larger problem is that there is a kind of chronic complacency that has been rotting American liberalism for years, a hubris that tells Democrats they need do nothing different, they need deliver nothing really to anyone – except their friends on the Google jet and those nice people at Goldman.
Enough with Clintonism and its prideful air of professional-class virtue."

Thomas Frank, The Guardian, 9 November 2016

Warmed over Obama-Clinton democrat Biden again.  Seriously? 

Perhaps we can be thankful that the other party has even less character, and is more craven in its self-serving appeals to the worst in us.

The Fed did as it was expected, and the markets were taking it fairly well.

And then Jay Powell said that he did not see the Fed reaching their 2% inflation target until 2025.

Well, the markets did not want to hear that.

Gold and silver managed to bounce back, having taken most of their smackdowns earlier in the week.

The Dollar slumped.

The stock markets slumped, recovered, and then fell back down again.

The VIX fell.  

Smells like teen spirit.

And so we toddle on through a morass of incompetent satraps of the plutocracy.

It seems to be the fashion amongst the Western nations.

Have a pleasant evening.