06 July 2023

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Dirty Jobs Done Cheap - ADP Report Comes in Hot


“Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide.”

Henri Barbusse, Le Feu: journal d'une escouade, 1916

"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it."

George Orwell

"Wars do not usually result from just causes but from pretexts.   There probably never was a just cause why men should slaughter each other by wholesale, but there are such things as ambition, selfishness, folly, madness, in communities as in individuals, which become blind and bloodthirsty, not to be appeased save by havoc, and generally by the killing of somebody else than themselves.

You don’t know the horrible aspects of war.   I’ve been through two wars and I know.  I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies.  Some of you young men think that war is all glamour and glory, but let me tell you, boys, it is all Hell."

William Tecumseh Sherman, address to the Michigan Military Academy, 19 June 1879

"One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them."

Thomas Sowell

This morning the ADP Jobs report came in smoking hot, prompting the markets to start fretting about the Non-Farm Payrolls report tomorrow morning, and its effect on the decisions of the Fed.

This is beyond doubt a Fed-centric bubble market.

The Dollar and the metals fell.

Stocks fell.

VIX moved a bit higher.

Hi ho.

Let's see how the numbers come in tomorrow morning.

Have a pleasant evening.