12 July 2023

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Hi Yo Silver!


"Unapologetic in its implementation of austerity measures that cause massive amounts of human hardship and suffering, neoliberal capitalism consolidates class power on the backs of young people, workers, and others marginalized by class, race, and ethnicity.  Neoliberal capitalism appears to no longer need the legitimacy garnered through its false claim to democratic ideals such as free speech, individual liberty, or justice—however tepid these appeals have always been.

In this widely accepted, yet dystopian world view, collective misfortune is no longer interpreted as a sign of failing governance or the tawdry willingness of politicians to serve corporate interests, but attributed to the character flaws of individuals and defined chiefly as a matter of personal responsibility. In fact, government-provided social protections are viewed as pathological. 

As corporate power is consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, ideological and structural reforms are implemented to transfer wealth and income into the hands of a ruling financial and corporate elite."

Henry Giroux, Days of Rage: The Quebec Student Protest Movement, August 28, 2012

"It is sometimes said that since everything is for sale under the rule of The Market, nothing is sacred. The Market is not omnipotent— yet. But the process is under way and it is gaining momentum."

Harvey Cox, The Market as God, March 1999

"I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, 'why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for?'  Obama turned sharply and said, 'Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?'   That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote."

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst

"We suspect strongly that history will view the last 20 years as a period of collective madness in the United States. It is a madness brought on by the gods to the proud and those who would be as gods, but stumble and fall through a tragic flaw, an error in judgement. Often that flaw is related to the strength that had made them great. The US can fall from greatness through pride and imbalanced judgement, and therein lies the recipe for tragedy."

Jesse, 15 April 2008

The US Consumer Price Index data came in lighter than expected this morning.

And stocks and precious metals were off to the races.

The Dollar got hammered.

Silver in particular was impressive in its turnaround from the recent price decline it had taken for the Comex option expiration and Non-Farm Payrolls boogie woogie.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Earnings are going to start coming in, perhaps with a dose of reality.

Have a pleasant evening.