15 July 2023

US Dollar Very Long Term Chart


"I postulated some years ago (2002) that, when push came to shove, the Fed would gather around itself a few 'friendly banks' which would act on its behalf in private to enforce certain policy decisions in markets in which the Fed and Treasury do not wish to openly operate.   It is hard to think of any other somewhat moral reason for the government to babysit and subsidize these very expensive and dangerous TBTF monstrosities, except as instruments of policy to provide some degree of freedom to shape events and responses.

If you want to wage a currency war, you need to have some dreadnoughts packing serious financial throw-weight, and economic muscle.  It may be Machiavellian, counter-democratic, and expensive, but that is the diktat of strategy if you want to control things and wield power to do what you will, both at home and abroad."

Jesse, Financial Dreadnoughts in Times of Currency War, 22 February 2013