08 August 2023

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Take Five


"God is constantly knocking at the gate of my heart to invite me to go beyond the state I have reached, because my whole life should be a journey on the way to love.  I cannot give a renewed assent to love, nor above all can I give a more intensified assent than hitherto, unless a divine movement comes secretly to my heart to help it ascend higher. 

I can refuse it.   But if I let God act he will raise me further, step by step, to a greater love."

Charles Journet

Just charts tonight.

The surgery this morning did not go well.  

The replacement lens would not seat so they had to remove it, and stitch me up without it.

Very unusual, don't know what caused it.

It seems I will be visiting some specialists to see if there is any damage, and what might be done to correct the situation.

I am just letting you know why I may be posting somewhat lightly for a little while.  Starość nie radość

In the end the only real tragedy is not to be a saint.

Have a pleasant evening.