13 September 2023

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Phantoms and Shadows


"For now we see through a glass, darkly— but then face to face.  Now I know in part, but then shall I know, even as also I am known."

1 Corinthians 13:12

"The one desire which should move us should be, first of all, that of seeing Him face to face, who is now hid from us; and next of enjoying eternal and direct communion, in and through Him, with our friends around us, whom at present we know only through precarious and partial channels, which give us little insight into their hearts.

These are suitable feelings towards this attractive but deceitful world.  To those who live by faith, every thing they see speaks of that future world; the very glories of nature, the sun, moon, and stars, and the richness and the beauty of the earth, witnessing and teaching the invisible things of God."

John Henry Newman, The Greatness and Littleness of Human Life, 23 Oct 1836

"The selfishness of an age that has devoted itself to the mere cult of pleasure has tainted the whole human race with an error that makes all our acts more or less lies against God.  The devil is no fool.  He can get people feeling about heaven the way they ought to feel about hell.  He can make them fear the means of grace the way they do not fear sin.  And he does so, not by light but by obscurity, not by realities but by shadows."

Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island

"In the famous simile of the cave Plato compares men to prisoners in a cave who are bound and can look in only one direction. They have a fire behind them and see on a wall the shadows of themselves and of objects behind them. Since they see nothing but the shadows, they regard those shadows as real and are not aware of the objects. Finally one of the prisoners escapes and comes from the cave into the light of the sun.

For the first time he sees real things and realises that he had been deceived hitherto by the shadows. For the first time he knows the truth and thinks only with sorrow of his long life in the darkness. The real philosopher is the prisoner who has escaped from the cave into the light of truth, he is the one who possesses real knowledge. This immediate connection with truth or, we may in the Christian sense say, with God is the new reality."

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem.   
Out of the images and the shadows into the truth.

John Henry Newman, Epitaph, 1890

There will be a quarterly quad witch option expiration this Friday.

Stocks rallied.

VIX fell.

The Dollar chopped sideways.

Gold and silver were hit.

Just another day in the phantoms and shadows of the fallen republic.

Have a pleasant evening.