05 March 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - What the Struggle Is All About - Gold Closes at All Time High


"When power is not attentive to justice it cannot endure. The market ideology is now the new form of imperial power and many of us, without any critical reflection, have signed onto that and organized our lives in that way."

Walter Brueggemann, Truth Speaks to Power, 2013

“We are slow to master the great truth that even now Christ is, as it were, walking among us, and by His hand, or eye, or voice, bidding us to follow Him. We do not understand that His call is a thing that takes place now. We think it took place in the Apostles' days, but we do not believe in it; we do not look for it in our own case."

John Henry Newman

“God travels wonderful ways with human beings, but he does not comply with the views and opinions of people.  God does not go the way that people want to prescribe for him; rather, his way is beyond all comprehension, free and self-determined beyond all proof.

Where reason is indignant, where our nature rebels, where our piety anxiously keeps us away: that is precisely where God loves to be.  There he confounds the reason of the reasonable; there he aggravates our nature, our piety—that is where he wants to be, and no one can keep him from it.

God loves the lowly.  God is not ashamed of the lowliness of human beings.  God marches right in.  He chooses people as his instruments and performs his wonders where one would least expect them.  God is near to lowliness; he loves the lost, the neglected, the unseemly, the excluded, the weak and broken.

He comes in the form of the beggar, of the dissolute human child in ragged clothes, asking for help. He confronts you in every person that you meet. As long as there are people, Christ will walk the earth as your neighbor, as the one through whom God calls you, speaks to you, makes demands on you.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, God Is in the Manger

“Prepare for great battles.  Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you.  Fight like a knight, so that He can reward you.  Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone.”

Maria Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul

"The most important problem in the world today is your soul, for that is what the struggle is about."

Fulton J. Sheen


Today was very much a 'risk off' day as the equity markets looked down and succumbed to vertigo.

Apple was once again leading the way lower, as reality began to intrude on the 'Magnificent 7' fever dreams.

But not to worry, stocks put in a solid bounce off the lows into the close.

Gold was in rally mode once gain.  Silver not so much.

Another big tranche of physical gold left the Hong Kong warehouses yesterday.

Intraday gold futures matched its prior spike high from last December, but posted a close at a new all time high.

As you may recall it fell afterwards into the NFP report, finding a bottom after the Option expiration and the Fed as shown on the gold chart below.

Let's see what happens.

The Dollar was flat.

VIX rose.

Victoria 'The Red Queen' Nuland is retiring from the Biden Administration to pursue other pillaging opportunities, having limited out at State.

Non-Farm Payrolls and Jay Powell's yammering to the Congress lies dead ahead.

Have a pleasant evening.