20 March 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Burning Dollars and Making Sense - Everybody Back in the Pool!


"Such unsustainable social arrangements are backed by force and fraud. And as the fraud loses its power over time, force must increase, until there is an end in genuine reform, or eventual self-destruction."

Jesse, Credibility Trap, 24 August 2012

"It is difficult to reduce a population of free men into debt slaves, without risking a significant reaction. Therefore, it seems most likely that the government and the Fed will try to 'muddle through' for the time being, and look for an exogenous event to break the stalemate.

The traditional solution has been a military conflict, which stifles dissent against the government while generating artificial demand sufficient to energize the productive economy. It is a means of exporting your social misery, official corruption, and fiscal irresponsibility to another, weaker people. [war, what is it good for?  Misdirection and distraction."

Jesse, The Speculative Bubble in Equities, 10 October 2009

"The lie is comfortable, an illusion easy to live with, familiar, and safe."

Jesse, Western Elite Are in the Firm Grip of Fear, Fraud, and Denial, 16 May 2010

"A value-dictated, purely fiat, currency exists through force and fraud. As the fraud grows thin and obvious, the greater and more pervasive the force must become. If imports are needed, wars of aggression will follow to extend and maintain the 'sphere of influence', a euphemism for control. When force finally falters, the currency collapses. A value-dictated, purely fiat currency is not an innovation— it is among the oldest forms of tyranny."

Jesse, Slip Sliding Away, 5 March 2019

"It can be useful to witness a currency die first hand in order for the true nature of a monetary system to be fully understood. Such a systemic failure strips the commonly held but essentially arbitrary assumptions about official valuations bare. It exposes the fraud behind the force, and the force that sustains the fraud."

Jesse, Force and Fraud, 20 February 2019


Chairman Powell and His Merry Prankster gave the markets the easy policy high sign today, and they responded with bullish vigor.

The SP 500 and the NDX went out on the highs, and all time highs at that.

Gold and silver headed north like rockets, and pretty much kept quite a bit of the gains.

VIX plummeted.

The Dollar plummeted.

This was not so much a risk on trade as a 'what risk' trade.

And this was a bit puzzling because the Fed overall raised their outlook for inflation and growth of the economy, but did not touch their projected three rate cuts.

It may not happen tomorrow or Monday, but I suspect fairly soon the markets will also take a closer look at this apparent mismatch, and then the next rinse may commence.

I made some nice coin today so it's not so much that.  It's just that I wouldn't care so much if I were watching this trainwreck unfolding from a much further way off. 

What the US has been doing to Julian Assange, through their servants in the UK et al. is a shameful and thuggish violation of everything they are supposed to stand for.

That the corporate media ignores this shows how worthless and unprincipled they have become. 

 Geopolitical risks are boiling, with the Neo-con chicken hawks running amok.

Wake up, Joe!  This is your legacy for which some day you will required to answer. 

Have a pleasant evening.