“If we go as far as we can into the darkness, regardless of the consequences, I believe a midnight truth will free us from our bondage to violence and bring us to the light of peace.”
James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable
"Words can be like tiny doses of arsenic: they are swallowed unnoticed, appear to have no effect, and then after a little time the toxic reaction sets in after all. The never ending alarms, the never ending phrases, the never ending hanging out of flags, now in triumph, now in mourning—it all produces apathy. There is so much lethargy in the German people, and so much immorality, and above all so much stupidity. I must make notes even now, I must, no matter how dangerous it is. That is my professional courage."
Victor Klemperer, I Will Bear Witness 1933-41 A Diary of the Nazi Years
"An ordinary human being, with a personal conscience, personally answering for something to somebody and personally and directly taking responsibility, seems to be receding farther and farther from the realm of politics. Politicians seem to turn into puppets that only look human and move in a giant, rather inhuman theatre; they appear to become merely cogs in a huge machine, objects of a major civilizational automatism which has gotten out of control and for which nobody is responsible."
Vaclav Havel, 24 May 1993
"At first, the love of money, and then that of power began to prevail, and these became, as it were, the sources of every evil. For avarice subverted honesty, integrity and other honorable principles and, in their stead, inculcated pride, inhumanity, contempt of religion and general venality. Ambition prompted many to become deceitful; to keep one thing concealed in the breast and another ready on the tongue; to estimate friendships and enmities, not by their worth, but according to interest; and to carry rather a specious countenance than an honest heart. These vices first advanced but slowly, and were sometimes restrained by correction; but afterward, when their infection had spread like a pestilence, the state was entirely changed, and the government, from being the most equitable and praiseworthy, became the most rapacious and insupportable."
Sallust, Conspiracy of Cataline
"In spite of all this they have fallen away, and it is not possible to bring them back again to repentance. For to their shame they are crucifying the Son of God once again, and are holding him up to public humiliation."
Hebrews 6:6
The FOMC decision today was a big nothing, and that was reinforced in his press conference by Jerome Powell.
But the wash and rinse must be served.
Let's see how the rest of the week goes, and try to look for the reality behind the nonsense.
The word is that the Covid virus was indeed man-made in the laboratory, but it wasp only tested in Wuhan, but actually crafted here in the states, possibly at the University of North Carolina according to Jeffrey Sachs.
Let's how the monstrous revelations on this proceed. The information is being concealed may prove to be enlightening.
There are many now who are serving evil without consciously realizing it in their convenient delusion.
But they will be held responsible for every thing that they do, and every word that they say.
You do not want to be among them when judgement comes.
Have a pleasant evening.