Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts

29 March 2020

Two Brief Videos About Covid-19 That May Be Informative

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“No one in the world can change Truth.  What we can do and and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it.  The real conflict is the inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the catacombs of extermination camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are the victories on the battlefield if we are ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves?”

Maximilian Kolbe

How to Know If We Are Beating Covid-19

Most people lack a natural feel and understanding for the power of exponential growth, and so fall victim to memes that seek to trivialize the effects of this illness and the speed at which it can strike and grow. This differentiates Covid-19 from comparisons with other illnesses.

And because of the speed and incubation period a significant problem is the lack of testing.  Forget what claims have been made.   Testing capability is woefully inadequate and undersupplied now and will likely be so for some time.  This is because of our priorities, mostly financial.

Hopefully that will change. Our infrastructure has for a long time been underfunded and inadequate in any number of areas besides roads and bridges and public transport.

I wonder what it would take for a public health effort, in certain test areas, to do simple blood tests to find out who has already had the illness and may now be effectively immune?  This would tell us quite a bit.

Disinformation is always a problem, and not just in undemocratic countries. It is a very serious problem in the US and the UK for the obvious political reasons, and cult-like tendencies in a sizable minority.

Some of the moneyed interests have been funding and supplying efforts to downplay the seriousness of the disease for, what else, short term profits and continuing compliance from their political base.

There are some bright spots on the internet.  There are many that are kitchen table talk and clickbait.  And I think you know which ones thrive on fear and hate and clever deception.  

We are, because of our willful actions and the mad mythology of our exceptionalism, in God's hands now in so many ways. We will face a reckoning for what we have done and become.  We can change it.  Because in addition to God's hands, we are in the hands of our own arrogant and risky behaviors.

And to that point something like covid-19 is the perfect storm.  The disease does not care what the polls say, what nicknames we give it, how often we downvote or ignore it.   It infects, its spreads, it sickens,  it kills.  Our pride and our greed and our social and political position are without power against it.

Properly speaking, it is not an act of God— it is an act of our willful ignorance.

We will learn. We can change.  We can make it better together.

But when?   And at what cost?

Need little, want less, love more.

Example of What China Did to Break the Spread of the Disease

This is what the Chinese lockdown looked like. It was 'comprehensive' and authoritarian. I put this forward not as an example, but rather to help to explain those who point to the course of the disease in China as an example for us. And there is little doubt that there was no full disclosure of deaths.

The decline of the illness in China was no natural progress of the disease, or so called 'herd immunity.'   I think seeing what was happening in Italy gave some Western leaders a wake-up call.

Certain countries like Japan and South Korea have also had successful efforts to slow down the spread of the disease. They benefit from a culture of 'self-policing' where the public acts as a force for deterrence against harmful behaviors by individuals, as well as experience in battling these viruses through personal measures, such as personal distancing and the wearing of masks.