Showing posts with label currency wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currency wars. Show all posts

04 March 2015

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Justice For Some - Currency Wars - ECB Deposit Rates To -3%

Eurozone on road to deflation, and bonds remain [an] attractive asset because high demand meets scarce supply

ECB will reduce interest for cash deposits to minus 3% and the dollar [will] appreciate by 20%, reaching parity with euro in 2015.

This evening Zerohedge reports that there is speculation that the ECB will cut interest rates paid to MINUS THREE PERCENT, and that the intention is to bring the dollar 20% higher to dollar parity.  That should do wonders for The Recovery.
Currency wars.   And your meager savings and wages will be the cannon fodder.
This is not official, but it makes a great headline and a vector of things to come.  Maybe JPM is trying to make us feel better about their plans for charging us a single percent to hold our cash, ex fees.  Or maybe they are just snorting the ketamine of their own moral hazard, and riding the buzz into a k-hole.
This is hard to believe. 
But it is also hard to believe that the Fed slipped a back door bailout in the trillions to the Banks.  Nothing is as stupid as the bureaucratic desperation of the pampered princes, when they see the long awaited day of reckoning coming across the horizon.  So I am keeping an open mind.
An interest rate on savings deposits of negative three percent is a euphemism for the confiscation of the middle class' remaining funds.  The one percent are parked in subsidized rentier assets and tax havens.
These jokers are jumping up and down on a land mine, just to see what happens.
Silver continues to be the more interesting story for now in March, with the delivery notices continuing, although the warehouse inventories are more than adequate.
Gold is inactive this month, at least in the Comex bucket shop precincts.  Asia is another story.
How interesting were the markets today?  I apparently have some Greek heritage on my paternal great grandmother's side, via Italy.  Bohemia and Austria, with Prussia on the maternal side, I knew about, but not the Greek.  Yo, Demetrios.
That was how interesting the markets were today. I spent the afternoon perusing the old census records and family papers. 
This market is t - h - i - n, and heavily gamed by the bots.
The Department of Justice report on law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri was released today, and it was interesting.   The report shows that Ferguson systematically used its law enforcement responsibilities to turn a minority, African Americans, into an ongoing revenue stream.
When you read this damning report, keep in mind that this abusive use of the law may be where the financial system is heading in its relationship with the ninety nine percent, with rents, fees, penalties, usurious loans and student debts, rigged markets, and of course, an unequal system of justice for some.
Non-farm payrolls on Friday.  This is an inactive month for gold.
I am continuing to watch the Sprott Silver fund to see what they do about their cash situation for expenses.   They have several options.  I do not know all of them, or which one they may pursue.
Currency wars, bitchez. 
And almost no one is talking about it.   Or the corrosive role of the Banks.
In 1999, on signing Gramm-Leach-Bliley into law, Clinton said, “This is a day we can celebrate as an American day” and that ” the Glass-Steagall law is no longer appropriate for the economy in which we live” and “today what we are doing is modernizing the financial services industry, tearing down these antiquated laws and granting banks significant new authority” and “This is a very good day for the United States.”

Columbia Journalism Review, Bill Clinton on Deregulation

Have a pleasant evening.

18 February 2015

Pictures From a Currency War, With Narrative

I have noticed lately that the spinmeisters are now latching on to the term 'currency war,' but are trying to deflect it merely to an intensification of the beggar thy neighbor strategy of devaluing your currency to subsidize exports and penalize imports.

This has been going on for a long time, most notably by the Asian Tigers, led by Japan and then perfected by China.  But make no mistake, the real heart of this process is in an Anglo-American banking/industrial cartel that intends to beggar everybody.

The multinational corporations went along with it.  They were its great lobbyists, and their wealthy scions the founders of think tanks to provide it a rationale and respectability. 
Walmart wrote a chapter in the new gospel of greed as a means of undermining wages and the American working class by insisting, as far back as the 1990's and the Clinton era, that suppliers start offshoring to China. And servile politicians opened the doors wide, and turned a blind eye to abuses that are still coming home to roost.

Part of the arrangement was a quid pro quo. The multinationals, who successfully staged a financial coup d'état in the States and Western Europe, were to extend the reach of their strong dollar policy and europression via foreign direct investments in resources rich overseas nations and foreign markets in order to consolidate their power into the non-democratic world.

But China and Russia balked at their end of the presumed bargain. They realized that opening their own doors to dollar exploitation, and allowing the economic hitmen to come in and pick up assets on the cheap, would lead to eventual political unrest, encirclement, and their own loss of power.

'Color revolutions' were becoming popular, as one country after another was falling into chaos, the kind that produces fire sales in productive assets and the elimination of inconvenient local rivals to power.  And in Europe, the powers that be created a Eurozone structure that any decent economist would know was unsustainable, and destined to create an unstable situation of few winners and many big losers.

And so a consortium of nations began to resist.  Some called them the BRICS.   They became alarmed, and then convinced, that allowing a single nation or group of multinationals to control the world's reserve currency was like a Ponzi scheme that could only continue on until its acquired the whip hand of power everywhere.

They started to speak up in international monetary organizations, long dominated by the Anglo-American banking and industrial cartels. They demanded the establishment of a new monetary standard for international trade that was broadly based, to replace the failed Bretton Woods Agreement that had continuing on as the ad hoc dollar hegemony known as Bretton Woods II after Nixon arbitrarily broke the formal agreement with the closing of the gold window in 1971.

And so we see a new phenomenon today, in which the long term selling of gold to control its price, resulting in the post-Bretton Woods bear market that lasted over twenty years, has given way to net gold buying by the world's central banks, and in increasing size.  And the creation of a paper gold market in parallel, through which the West seeks to control the price and supply of gold, to maintain their financial operation while they more aggressively pursue nation recycling and repurposing, draconian trade deals that supplant domestic governance, and when that fails, through internal insurgencies and at times, overt military action.

Simultaneously, there are a proliferation of bilateral trade deals in which currency arrangements are being made between countries, and even among small regional groups of nations, to conduct their business outside of the US Dollar system.  They are even building up their own financial networks and infrastructure in response to increasingly aggressive use of sanctions and other forms of economic pressure.

The US and UK, like China and Russia, are not immune to concerns about domestic unrest. A strong dollar policy and the support for a policy of offshoring to increase corporate profits are wreaking havoc on one of the world's greatest popular economic achievements: the US middle class.
Increasingly concerned, the governments are cracking down on any sparks of domestic dissent, targeting leaders, vilifying and suppressing minorities, and increasing the surveillance of its own people.  They are weaponizing the domestic police forces, and establishing the 'legal means' by which control can be maintained in the face of increasing misery and discontent at home.

It is not a pretty picture. It is an old story of greed and deceit, of empire and world conquest, of the desolating sacrilege of betraying those who have fought for freedom and civil rights to cash in for their own selfish gains. 
Will this end in a new gold standard, as this article A New Gold Standard in the Making, which is the source of these graphs suggests?  I surely do not know, and still do not think so.  
If you have been following the thought process here, going back before even the establishment of this blog to 2000, I have felt that the most likely course will be the establishment of a new unit of international currency, similar to but not the same as the SDR, with a far broader composition of currencies and commodities included, so that no single group would be able to control it for their own purposes.
Stagflation is no natural phenomenon.  It is the act of man in a policy intervention or policy error par excellence.  Until OPEC was able to trigger a stagflation through their use of an oil embargo and price cartel in the 1970's in the favorable conditions created by economic rot introduced by years of discretionary, aggressive war in Southeast Asia and the ensuing debts, most economists thought it to be impossible, and certainly not a 'natural' outcome.
I think that domestic reform will be coming, and this is necessary because no new monetary standard is going to repair a system that has failed from within due to corruption and systemic injustice.  
Old systems, even when they finally turn to visible abuse as they decline, can fail for a very long time, seemingly unbeatable, until they finally collapse from within.  This is how it was for the fall of the old Soviet Union, and this is how it may be for the Anglo-American cartel and their attendant nations like Germany and Japan.
It is still possible that Russia and China could make a deal with the Anglo-Americans and establish a tri-partite world government, with their own spheres of control and interest.  As you may recall this was the way George Orwell saw it in 1984.  I have been watching for that possible development based on my own research on the growth of international capital markets and flows since 1990 at least. 
People bring this up and so I wish to address it now, once and for all.  I am aware of the possible deeper significance of these developments from an eschatological perspective.  But recall that even the great apostle, who was 'lifted up to the third heaven,' was mistaken in his estimation of it, thinking it a phenomenon of his own time.  It is a mistake of vanity to go too far in such arcane and difficult subjects, in pursuit of sick thrills that only serve to distract us from our call to the work of the day, and the practical task of finding sanctity and salvation in the world. 
How we will react to this individually is critical for our own long term survival as spiritual beings regardless, since we all face our own ends individually.  Of this we can be sure.   We are told that most will give in, despairing at the increase in wickedness, and seek for power and riches of their own beyond all reason and grace.   And it requires no end time to see this happening through all ages. 
Change is coming.  It may be a new arrangement that brings with it the blessing of reform, transparency and justice through peaceful evolution.  It may be delayed and more difficult.  What cannot be sustained will not continue. 
This will end.  But perhaps not very well.  To a great extent that is up to us, unless we stand by and do nothing.  "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."  But what shall I to do?   Begin with yourself, despising only the fear and the evil in you.  Do as you have been instructed by the two great commandments, which have been implanted as a seed in your heart. 
You are called.  You choose the answer.


03 February 2015

NAV Premiums of Precious Metal Trusts and Funds - Why There Is No Recovery

Another 7,285 ounces of gold bullion were redeemed from the Sprott Physical Gold Trust.

My friend Arby had an interesting observation.  I have not checked it out specifically.  I thought Australia was in second place, but I have not looked at the latest figures for 2014.
But if the numbers are generally right, which they seem to be, it gives us some idea of the magnitude of what is going on.

US 52 WEEKS gold mine production 2014 (estimate from Mineweb) ... ...    210 tonnes

China first 3 WEEKS gold imports 2015 (calculated by Koos Jansen)      .... 202 tonnes

The largest producer of gold is China, second Russia, third USA.

The two largest producers are net importers of their world leading mining output.  The third largest producer is a net exporter.
And then there's Australia, but I'm not sure that they even know what they're doing as one of the attendant nations.
No matter what the exact numbers and who makes the most, gold is flowing from West to East. 

Anyone who does not understand this is missing one of the most dramatic monetary phenomena of this century.

I wonder who will blink first in this 'suicide squeeze.'  Because that is what this latest gold pool is becoming.

Speaking of monetary phenomenon, the professor of numbers and all things housing Tony Sanders notes that Mortgage Bonds Have Underperformed the Worst Since 2008 on Refi Risks.
As part of a different discussion, I noticed the other week that the Fed stepped up purchases of agency mortgage debts considerably since they 'ended QE' and own a boatload of them.
Janet and Bill Dudley must be running handcarts up and down Wall and Broad Streets telling the Banks to, 'bring out your dead.'
Fan and Fred buy them, and the Fed buries them.   With nothing going to the people whose homes are being foreclosed.   

And finally,  Zerohedge reminds us this morning that the numbers indicate that the biggest flows of capital into the US equity markets are from.. wait for it... companies using their profits to buy back their own stocks, by far.
So the Fed is using its ability to print money to buy bad debts from the Banks which they created to cheat their customers, and companies are using the outsized profits they are obtaining through government subsidies and underpaying their workers to buy back their own stock and enrich their upper management. 
And as Wall Street On Parade reminds us this morning, the corporatized media, owned by a handful of corporations, is cheerleading all this, and is very much captured by the crony capitalist culture.
And people wonder why there is no recovery.  Who says they want one, when this new normal is paying off for a privileged few so well.  And they get to buy even more of the remaining productive assets on the cheap.
That's trickle down stimulus, par excellence.

23 January 2015

China Withdraws 70 Tonnes Gold From Shanghai Week Ending 16th January - Third Highest Ever

"It is the Soviet Union that runs against the tide of history by denying human freedom and human dignity to its citizens."

Ronald Reagan, Speech to the British House of Commons,  8 June 1982

"The center of world power is the unchallenged superpower, the United States, attended by its Western allies...For a small but growing chorus of Americans this vision of a unipolar world led by a dynamic America is a nightmare...Our best in American strength and will-- the strength and will to lead a unipolar world, unashamedly laying down the rules of world order and being prepared to enforce them."

Charles Krauthammer, The Unipolar Moment, 1990

"The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology."

Michael Parenti

"The genius of American power is expressed in the movie The Godfather II, where, like Hyman Roth [Meyer Lansky!], the United States has always made money for its partners.   America has not turned countries in which it intervened into deserts; it enriched them.  Even the Russians knew they could surrender after the Cold War without being subjected to occupation."

Robert Kagan, July 17, 2003

Robert Kagan is a famous neo-con figure in US government circles.  He is the husband of Victoria Nuland.  Nuland, as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, is famed for her partnering skills and diplomatic insights, summing up concerns for collateral damage from the crisis in the Ukraine with 'f*uck the EU.'
China withdraw around 70 tonnes of gold bullion from the Shanghai Gold Exchange for the week ending 16th January.

This is the third highest amount of gold offtake from Shanghai ever.

As a result of price rigging, gold is flowing steadily from West to East.  Because, whether the public realizes it or not, the world is very actively engaged in the evolution of the monetary basis of world trade, which has been referred to here and other places as the currency wars.
I have little doubt that the Western central banks think that their triumph is unstoppable, an inevitability.   And so they firmly stand against all evolution and change, preferring to fight tooth and nail to maintain the US dollar supremacy.
I believe that this currency war has its genesis in the grandiose schemes of the highly influential neo-cons and financiers in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, together with their attendant counterparts overseas.
I suspect that they may be in for a surprise.  Events have a way of rising to an occasion of hubris.
Now, putting aside any moral or practical political discussions about this, let us just consider one thing.  Let us assume for a moment that all this circumstantial and direct evidence is correct, and there is a currency war underway.  And that the Banks have been engaged, for many years, in the systematic rigging of the price of gold. 
This is not impossible, a conspiracy fantasy, or even all that improbable for that matter, since we know that many of these same actors did a similar thing for much the same motives in the famous London Gold Pool.
Assuming that this is true:  what is likely to happen if this gold currency rig fails again?
Chart courtesy of data wranger Nick Laird at
History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of men.

Have a pleasant weekend.

The Creature from Jekyll Island - lolz