Showing posts with label demagogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demagogy. Show all posts

18 August 2010

Unenlightened Self-Interest: Deficit Hawk Down On Tax Cuts and Financial Reform

"Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man." Henry Hazlitt

The argument that 'tax cuts for the wealthiest few stimulates growth' aka the trickle down theory needs to be buried alongside the 'efficient markets hypothesis' and the other principle beliefs of voodoo economics that have brought the US from the world's greatest nation to third world status in a generation.

It was the irresponsible tax cuts enacted by Bush II while increasing military spending on two wars, one highly discretionary, along with the increasing financialization of the economy through deregulation, fraud, 'one way globalization,' and crony capitalism that have undermined the foundation of the American economy.

The banks must be restrained, the financial system reformed, and balance restored to the real economy before there can be any sustained recovery.

h/t The Economist's View for the cartoon

The following charts are from the ContraryInvestor but all annotations and comments are mine.

Think about what this chart below is saying. Will a return to the status quo through Fed intervention 'work?' Is austerity directed at the middle class the answer, as in the suffering endured by the many in the Great Depression?

What would happen if the economy 'recovered' with the same fundamentals in place? Fundamentals such as an overly large financial sector, increasing wealth disparity, and a stagnant median wage?

Can 'the many' continue to borrow to maintain a constant standard of living? Can a democracy be maintained in conditions that start to resemble a third world country? How long before a 'strong man' rises to take control of the political situation on behalf of the national society of workers? And how long after that would it be before the industrialists and oligarchs lose control of this strong man, as they always seem to do?

Can the US afford to maintain 800 overseas military bases while the domestic tax base continues to erode through a parasitical transferal of wealth from the many to the few based on leverage, speculation, monopoly, asset bubbles and fraud?

Closer View of the Rise of Neoliberal Economics and the Ponzi Economy

US Federal Debt Only as a Percent of GDP Since 1792

What the US needs right now, more than ever, is a coherent industrial policy and a national strategy focused on the median wage, a serious reform movement, a reduction in its military spending, and a set of encompassing social principles with a longer term vision for the country as its goal.

Americans may not trust government as a recent tenet of dogmatic faith, but in doing so they are entrusting their futures to other people's governments, and soulless multinational entities who are in fact using globalization and the 'free markets' to aggressively advance their own ends and benefits, which are probably antithetical to yours.

Bringing a dogmatic neo-liberal bias for "free markets" (ironically promoted by political neo-conservatives) into a game where every other major country is executing a well thought out industrial policy based on increasing net exports is like bringing a knife to a gun fight, and then stabbing yourself in the back as an opening move.

22 February 2009

The Word for This Week

Demagoguery refers to a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the popular prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist or populist themes, usually singling out a group or groups.

Also see Demagogue

The word for this week, and likely for this year, and the next.

No, not demagogue or demagogy. The Word for the Week is "them."

Why should we help them.

We are being dragged down by them.

Blaming them feels good. It makes one feel as if they were successful, not part of the problem.

It wasn't us, it was them.

They caused their own problems. They caused our problems. It is unfortunate but they would be better off somewhere else, out of sight, no longer an impairment or competition for scarce resources.

They are the scapegoats, usually singled out by the group or groups that caused the problems, and even those who benefited indirectly, made some money out of the bubble, less deservedly than they might like to imagine.

They are the weak, the poor, the defenseless, the different, the other.

And the circle of the ones that are considered them spreads wider and wider.

Because even those shouting and waving their fists in the crowds against them are also them to someone else higher in the power structure. Useless eaters is a relative objectification of the human.

And then someone will come and take them away, where they do not wish to go.

And then comes the descent into madness and destruction, for all.

One might ask, "But Jesse, you have inveighed against the Bankers on numerous occasions. How is that different? Aren't you a demagogue too, with just a different opinion?

No. All banks are not bad. All who work at banks, even the biggest Wall Street banks, are not bad. Even all those who turned a blind eye to what went on around them are not bad, just weak, distracted, overwhelmed.

But there were prime actors in this tragedy. The first objective is to stop it, to reform the system, to end the imbalances. And it would be disingenuous to not notice that the big Wall Street Banks, and the rating agencies and accounting firms, were at the epicenter of the financial crises for the past ten years. They were the lobbyists, the financial engineers, the architects of fraud, the enablers of many frauds going back to Enron and beyond.

Cui bono? Who benefited the most?

It was not so much the poor slob acting foolishly on bad advice. It was the joker taking millions off the table time after time by gaming the system, and actively promoting the bubble culture and deep capture that knocked out the regulatory process and the rule of law.

And then the law can deal with individual transgressions, and the emphasis here is "individual." Not a lynching of the bystanders. A serious investigation with individual accountability and equal protection.

That is not demagoguery. That is justice, because it is based on law and individual actions.