09 December 2010

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Classic dissembling in the ancillary markets it appears, to try and make the dollar and equities look better by comparison.

It will work until it does not, then geysers here, and a deluge in financial instruments.

SP 500 and NDX December Futures Daily Charts

The Fed and Treasury appear to be attempting to blow a bubble in US equities. Considering that it has little underpinning it, on a significant event it could fold rather handily. Still, better to stay out of their way while they try to print their cronies way to prosperity while beggaring the many, and of course, their bondholders.

US Treasuries: The Long End of the Curve

These sorts of wide swings in sovereign debt can be extraordinarily profitable for the trading desks of the banks and hedge funds, especially if the boss has the ear of the Treasury and the Fed. But they play hell with planning and execution in the real economy.

Che Cosa Ora? What Now