15 December 2010

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

"Currency values and precious metals prices can be volatile, but the long-term weakness in the U.S. dollar and relative purchasing-power-preservation attributes of gold and silver, and the stronger currencies outside the dollar, remain in place. As with systemic risks in the United States, risks in other areas of the world — such as among the countries using the euro — likely will be addressed by the spending or creation of whatever money is needed (indications of any needed U.S. backing are in place) in order to prevent systemic failure.

Keep in mind that the U.S. remains the proverbial elephant in the bathtub in terms of pending effective sovereign bankruptcies. The various European crises remain an intermittent foil for the U.S. dollar, pulling market attention away from the unfolding solvency crisis in the United States and a likely move to massive selling against the U.S. currency.

Accordingly, high risk of the early stages of a hyperinflation beginning to unfold by mid-2011 continues. Rising inflation should become increasingly broad, reflecting an increasingly serious problem in the first-half of 2011.”

John Williams: Massive Selling of US Currency Ahead - KWN

SP 500 and NDX March Futures Daily Charts

14 December 2010

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts And One Possible Unfolding of the Endgame

This seems mildly reminiscent of the setup which Soros and unnamed Swiss parties engaged in when they took down the Bank of England's defense of the British Pound and its official peg to the Euro.

Will the US ultimately feel compelled to defend some of the gold and silver shorts, both in terms of bullion and derivatives, held by its Wall Street Banks? You could allow for the possibility, if you will, that there is a corresponding web of derivatives that has a links, and a possible chokehold, on a few key European institutions, particularly in England and Germany, involving counterparty derivatives and CDS, and collateral damage to professional and political careers. Ugly stuff, rather messy really. But there are historic precedents.

How Asian Buyers Are Maneuvering the Metals Shorts

There should be no confusion that this involves not only a few large Wall Street players, but also elements, past and present, in the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve. It makes the unfolding insider trading scandal look like a neighborhood numbers racket.

Therefore we should not discount the possibility that if a default should occur there will be an emotional and political reaction put forward as a means of deflecting the disclosure of the true nature of the financial corruption.

It would be most interesting and possibly entertaining to see if Ron Paul's congressional committee could be able to mount an effective investigation into the matter, or if events will take place to pre-empt and redirect such an inquiry to manage the potential collateral damage to careers and possibly governments, both at home and abroad. 

It's never really the act itself, often minor infractions undertaken for practical purposes or what could be rationalized as such by some. Rather it is always the corruption of the policy actions to personal gain, and the subsequent cover-up, that tends to gather substance over time into a first class scandal, acts of felony and high crimes, and all the revelations that follow.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive." Sir Walter Scott