31 December 2016

How the Democratic Party Failed By Repudiating Their Legacy as 'The Party of the People'

As the Democrats and their acolytes in the media pivot towards hysteria against 'the others' to explain their failures, let us not forget what has happened over the past thirty years, culminating in the stunning election of 2016.

This is a relatively short video, and heart of it starts around minute twenty after a discussion of the history, motives, and rationales by which the Democrats took the final steps in repudiating the legacy of The New Deal to embrace neo-liberalism.

The Democratic leadership consciously chose to identify with people they considered to be more like themselves, an elitist professional class. In a very real sense they followed the money and the prestige, and the Clintons were their leaders. The personal economic rewards that they reaped from this are very well documented.

The party covered their credentialism and 'ruling class' aspirations by covering it with a program of identity politics courting, with words more than substantial economic action, minorities with emotional appeals to ethnic identity, and occasionally fear-mongering. The Republicans played the witting foils in this, choosing to continue to embrace big money, but with a different twist towards oligarchy, covering their own greed with equally emotional appeals to 'traditional values.' In this they began to resemble corporate competitors ruled by a similar profit motive but with different branding.

The result has been an historical increase in income disparity, and a shift in power towards a policy bias that favors private war profits, global economic power agendas, and the shifting of almost all income growth to the financial class who continually abuse justice with virtual impunity.

You may wish to start the video around the twenty minute mark to hear how things progressed in the 1990's. If you have the time you can listen to the entire video to hear more of the history of how this change began in the 1970's.

30 December 2016

Charts For the End of the Year - Bring Down the Curtain, The Farce Is Over

"Baissez le rideau, la farce est jouée."


Ended, for at least this year.

Gold and silver gave back a little of yesterday's rally.

The Comex warehouse report showed another 1.7 million ounces of silver leaving the 'registered' category. The report is shown below.

I think this year was finally have seen the smoking gun in precious metals manipulation. It is the confirmation, in their own words as revealed in the Deutsche Bank court documents, of traders using the 'Dr. Evil' strategy of selling large numbers of contracts in quiet hours to take the price down artificially for their own cross trading purposes.

As if anyone who understands and watches the markets did not already know this.  If they deny it now, then they are either a hypocrite or a willful simpleton.   I will let them self-identify.

But make no mistake about it, we have the smoking gun, and the lawsuits are flowing heavily. Although you would hardly know it from the mainstream financial media.

And there is worse, and far more revelations, to come.

I hope you all have a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Please do not forget God's little ones during this cold weather.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May He let his face shine on you, and be gracious towards you.  May the Lord look kindly upon you, and grant you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

Precious Metal Deliveries For 2017 Begin Quietly - Big Drawdown in 'Registered For Delivery' Silver

Although the silver did not 'go anywhere,' the registered (for delivery) category of silver dropped by almost 8 million ounces in one day.

There are now about 28.4 million ounces registered for delivery on the exchange, which is low compared to recent levels approaching the 50 million level.