25 December 2017

Christmas Day

"Let us rejoice. Sadness is not becoming upon the Birth Day of Life Itself, which, now that the fear of death is ended, fills us with gladness, because of our own promised immortality.   No one is excluded from sharing in this cheerfulness, for the reason of our joy is common to all men.   Our Lord, the Conqueror of sin and death, since there was no one free from servitude, came that He might bring deliverance to all.

Let him who is sanctified rejoice, for he draws nigh to the palm. Let the sinner rejoice, since he is invited to grace. Let the Gentiles exult, for they are called to life. For the Son of God, in the fullness of time, has taken upon Himself the nature of our humanity, as the unsearchable depths of the divine counsel hath decreed, in order that the inventor of death, the devil, by that very nature which he defeated, would be himself overcome.

And in this contest that was undertaken for us, the battle was waged in accordance with a great and wondrous law of justice.   For the Omnipotent God engaged in combat with His most bitter enemy, not in the strength of His own Majesty, but in our human infirmity; confronting him with our very form and nature, and sharing likewise in our mortality; but free of all stain."

23 December 2017

Conscience, Heroic Virtue, and Civil Disobedience in the Resistance to Evil

"A period of tension ensued, for the Danish population in general and its Jewish citizens in particular. Danish policy sought to ensure its independence and neutrality by placating the neighboring Nazi regime. After Denmark was occupied by Germany following Operation Weserübung on April 9, 1940, the situation became increasingly precarious.

In 1943, the situation came to a head when Werner Best, the German plenipotentiary in Denmark ordered the arrest and deportation of all Danish Jews, scheduled to commence on October 1, which coincided with Rosh Hashanah. However, the Jewish community was given advance warning, and only 202 were arrested initially. As it turned out, 7,550 fled to Sweden, ferried across the Øresund strait. 500 Jews were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. In the course of their incarceration, Danish authorities often interceded on their behalf, as they did for other Danes in German custody, sending food.

Of the 500 Jews who were deported, approximately 50 died during deportation. Danes rescued the rest and they returned to Denmark in what was regarded as a patriotic duty against the Nazi occupation. Many of non-Jewish Danes protected their Jewish neighbors' property and homes while they were gone."

Lidegaard, Bo. Guarding Denmark’s Jewish Heritage, The New York Times, 26 February 2015

"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

Victor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

What is not mentioned in the videos below, and what is all too easily overlooked, is the protection and welcome and aid that Denmark's Jews received in Sweden, where they remained safely until the end of the war.

What is particularly troubling is when some look back, and in retrospect diminish what others may have done as not enough, as not pure enough, as not motivated in the right way.   To these we say, wait until you are faced with the same trial with the same stakes, and then come back and tell us how much better you have done.

Those who would enslave us wish us to believe that all men are created evil, and that there is nothing of fairness or justice in anyone's hearts.  They wish us to forget, to forget the actions of the Danish people, of the friends and family of Sophie Scholl in Munich, and of all the other actions of those who performed individual and organized acts of heroic virtue, most often unremarked and in quiet, in the face of ruthless, dehumanizing evil.

So therefore, they would have us think, we may all live and act as heartless swine, as they do.  After all, it's only human.   It is not.  It is the antithesis of the truly human.

We must not be silent in the face of such injustice, for anyone.
"It is always the soul that dies first, even if it's departure goes unnoticed. And it always carries the body along with it... Man is nourished by the invisible, man is nourished by that which is beyond the personal. He dies from preferring the opposite."

Jacques Lusseyran, Poetry at Buchenwald

22 December 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Repentance and Forgiveness the Wellspring of Joy

Into the ancient holy land
Behold, the son of God is come to man.

Hoc est enim corpus meam.

In Innocence fall all heroes and their creeds;
An age is done, an age from here proceeds.

Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei,
Novi et aeterni testamenti.

What consuming pagan fires could not do—
A covenant of love, and Word made flesh, in You.

Qui pro nobis et pro multis effundetor;
In remissionem peccatorum.

Sleep swells His breast, though heavy pressed,
By Golgotha, and Adam's sin,
And the hopes of he who signs his name herein.


What a wonderful condescension and extravagance we have from God.   For although we were made and formed in His image, He has thereafter sanctified that image, and thereby redeemed us from our failures in His Incarnation.

Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for his friends.

Stocks drifted today for the most part, particularly in the afternoon when most traders have already left for their holidays.

Gold and silver have rebounded nicely from the recent shenanigans practiced in the markets around the FOMC meeting and Non-Farm payrolls.  Again, I urge you to look at all the instances of this on the gold chart.

President Trump signed the Tax Reform and Jobs Act today, and then left for the holidays at his home in Florida.

Matt Taibbi had some rather pointed observations and disclosures to make about Bob Corker and his penchant for trading stocks as a Senator, presumably on privileged information, with multi-million dollar success. Of course he is not alone in this, as I have pointed out many times in the past.  Hillary's remarkable success as a novice cattle trader comes to mind.

The corruption that has become widely tolerated throughout the various upper strata of our society is shocking in its boldness.  And even more shocking is its general acceptability, and too often downright fashionability,  among our elite in business and government, and their courtiers and partisans in the various professions.  And it provides a corrosive example and temptation to the public.

That such gaming the system is widely tolerated and accepted does not make it right.  The breaking of oaths is a serious transgression, and there will be an accounting for it, if not in this world then the next. 

And sadly it is the partisanship, and the willing gullibility of simple souls given over to the wiles of a skillful persuasion to anger, and willfulness, and hatred, that permits the unscrupulous to prosper.   I have seen otherwise honorable and sincere people do and say some shocking things in service to dark powers in the past few years.

There can be little doubt that the ordinary and the unsophisticated are learning from our cynical and proud elite.  And that scandalous example is their sin as well.  It would be better for them to have been thrown into the sea, with a millstone around their necks.

All the preparations for Christmas are coming to their conclusion.

Looking back on this rather difficult year, I ask forgiveness of all those to whom I have caused distress or temptation to anger, because of my actions or lack of actions.

I have asked God for His forgiveness in all things, and so I also ask for your forgiveness, and your prayers.  I am a most unworthy servant.  I charge nothing and accept nothing, for that is what my work is worth.

May you and yours walk with the Lord, in His favor and the light of the Spirit, in all that you do in the coming year.

And may the peace of the Lord, which surpasses all understanding, be with you in this blessed season.

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.   I will be posting somewhat during the interregnum before the new year.

Have a wonderful holiday.