07 December 2011

What Is the Primary Trend In Gold?

The market maven Richard Russell often speaks about 'the primary trend' in certain assets and markets.

I speak of it as the fundamentals, and also the primary trend.

Someone asked, "What is the primary trend in gold?"

Here is the big picture chart with the trend marked in green.

The primary trend in gold is being driven by two major fundamentals:
1. The Central Banks were net sellers of gold for over twenty years. One can debate their motivations, but it did appear to be a coordinated effort to suppress the price, exemplified perhaps by the clumsy sale of the Bank of England's gold at what has become known as Brown's Bottom. The Banks have now become net buyers of gold, led by the BRICs and popular movements by individuals to safeguard their wealth from the changes in the fiat money systems.

2. The US Dollar Reserve currency regime, also known as 'Bretton Woods II,' is changing. What exactly it is changing into cannot yet be seen with certainty, but it does appear likely that it will be a basket of currencies and gold, and perhaps silver. The Anglo-American banking cartel is fighting this change, as it affects the basis of their power. They are seeking to control it and the evolving nature of the global money supply.

Change is coming slowly, but surely.
"All things flow, nothing abides. You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are continually flowing on. Nothing is permanent except change."

If you wish to find the unchanging, the perfectly complete and sufficient in itself, do not seek it in this world, but in something much greater than yourself, your money, and your diversions from the face of the eternal.

06 December 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Another Bear Raid Down to Support That Fails

There are a lot of 'fingerprints' on the tape these days.

The bear raid in bullion diverged significantly from the miners this morning, as the wiseguys were playing the old fake 'em and take 'em on the public.

Intraday commentary on that topic here.

What next? The markets are looking for a BIG move on Friday based on European headlines. They may not get it, whatever it turns out to be, but if they do, go with it.

There is no better way to divert an abused public than with bread, circuses, and a rising stock market, IF you can afford them.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Pop and Flop

Another wide ranging day that accomplished very little, and on light volumes.

The option purchasing is showing a lot of convexity. People are looking for a big move on Friday tied to the European summit meeting. They just don't agree on which way it will move.

The Gold Bull Market Back to the Cup and Handle in 2010

I am probably going to truncate the existing daily gold chart again because it is becoming a bit unwieldy. As you know I reduce its scope occasionally to facilitate showing it on the cafe blog.

But for those who asked for it, here is a copy of the 'big picture chart' showing the original breakout formation of the cup and handle going back to 2010.

You may not be able to view it here, but perhaps you can click and save it if you wish.