23 January 2013

Eurodollars Update From the Dec 2012 BIS Report

This is from the Dec 2012 BIS Report, which includes data up to June 2012.

As you may recall, the Fed's M3 Money Supply figures had included Eurodollars as a component.

The second chart represents the liabilities versus assets of foreign banks in their dollar holdings. I have related this to the eurodollar short squeeze in the past.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Cap, Cap, Cap


SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Complacency with a Side of Bravado

Someone reminded me that VIX stayed very low throughout the equity bubble from 2004 through 2007.

So, we'll see if Ben and the financiers are blowing another equity bubble, or not.

I tend to think not, but I have found it dangerous to underestimate the brazen venality of the pampered princes.

After hours NFLX is soaring, but the big kahuna AAPL is getting trounced.

PBS Frontline: The Untouchables

I can hardly wait for the specials about the silver market when that time comes.

The corruption will continue until the people of the Western world hold their politicians accountable, and are not so easily distracted by The Big Show, and emotional bread and circuses.

Watch The Untouchables on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.