05 May 2013

Even In a Time of Elephantine Vanity and Greed

"Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things...

Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people. Lacking any other purpose in life, it would be good enough to live for their sake."

Garrison Keillor

I know this is hard to remember, especially with all the ugly selfishness that is so evident these days. And because of the increase in wickedness, among people in high places who provide bad examples, the love of many will falter and grow cold.

It is never really between them and you, but between you and yourself, between you and your God. It is how you rise above, and become human.

It is fine and necessary to look after your wealth in order to fill the needs of your family. But random acts of kindness will make a difference in your life and in theirs.

No act of kindness is wasted.  You store them in your heart, and these are the only things that you will take with you when the day is done.  You will remember them, and you will be remembered for them, if not in this life, then in the next.

You have a choice.  Be a light to the world.  Essere umano.  Be a mensch.

Thanks to Lambert Strether for this.

Flowers grow, even amongst the desolation of empires, and other passing follies.

03 May 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Chart - The Metal Bears Advance To Stalingrad - How Are the Mighty Fallen

“To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things.

The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential. But on the other hand, knowledge of an apparently trivial detail quite often makes it possible to see into the depths of things.

And so the wise man will seek to acquire the best possible knowledge about events, but always without becoming dependent upon this knowledge.

To recognize the significant in the factual is wisdom.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The bullion supply lines for this recent market operation seem a bit overextended and ill equipped for the ferocious waves of physical buying that have been reported, especially in Asia.

This from UBS:
"On the physical front, strong appetite out of Asia continues. Our index of physical flows to India continues to indicate very strong demand coming in, at least five times the average over the last 12 months.

Premiums in India are now quite high, particularly for the 0.9995 purity kilo bar, the more popular product, amid extremely limited supplies at the moment."

The bullion bears are drawing a line in the sand for gold at 1480.   The physical drawdowns are going to eat them alive if they try to hold the easy ground they gained by heavy selling in quiet market periods. 

And so I think that level will fall, and they will fall back to the real test which will be in the area of 1580 when gold takes on the longer term downtrend.  And they will continue to have their easy victories, while sowing the seeds of their own downfall. 

And for our modern financial speculators, who think that price is the value,  rather than the other way around, welcome to the winter of your discontent.  There are going to be some very punishing lessons in the fundamentals of supply and demand given out,  and of the limits of the will to power and fraud.   And given time they will be haunted and hunted, and reviled beyond their ability to conceive it.

That is the underlying story of the last financial crisis, and sadly, little has changed.  One thing I will give the financiers, they often persevere in their greed and folly until achieving, at last, their own shame and remarkable self-destruction.  That is the heroic commitment of the mad to a foolish and unworthy end.   It is a sickness unto death. We have seen such downfalls in our day, again and again and again.  They would be as gods; and in their madness they never learn to avoid plunging into the abyss.

Think about those who have shown this tendency. Bernie Madoff, the Enron Boys, the London Whale. How can one explain such unaccountable madness, and yet account for it in their economic models?

 And in truth, there are times when a sector that promises power becomes the playground of the psychopaths and the morally ambivalent. And there would be tragedy, except that they fall not from heights of greatness, but from monumental and foolish pride.  And so they lie, scorned and unpitied.

How are the mighty fallen, stripped of the accoutrements of their war. And there are many more, and greater yet, to come.   And they scorn the simple prescription that would save them:  need little, want less, and love more.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, and let the markets show us what is really happening.  The biggest changes are not events but processes, with many twists, and the turning of the tide is only knowable in retrospect.

Here is a recent chart linked to below that purportedly compares housing and gold as a hedge against inflation.

Gold Versus Housing As An Inflation Hedge

The scales are utterly misleading. If you wish to compare two things over the same period of time a percentage increase is much more effective than splitting it across two unrelated nominal scales on opposite sides of the chart.

Housing on the left scale went up on the chart 2x, and gold on the right has gone up 6x at least.   

The chartist *could* be trying to show that housing, as the major measure of inflation, was not closely followed by gold.  But that does not come out in the commentary, and is a bit off the wall, since housing was not a major measure of general inflation.  Housing was a secular phenomenon, a flat out bubble marked by significant fraud and highly leveraged mispricing of risks.

The central banks were net selling gold into the first part of the chart.  As you may recall the period of 1999 to 2002 was the infamous "Brown's Bottom."  They turned to net purchasing around 2006, and now there are shortages of bullion. 

And I don't see the government subsidizing and promoting the purchase of gold as they had been doing with housing, at least not directly.  However, the US financial system is doing a pretty good job of incenting the world to buy gold by creating negative real interest rates of return on the dollar, and allowing the bullion banks to game the metals markets.  But I think that has hardly run its course.

As you may have heard today,  JP Morgan and their derivatives diva Blythe Masters are under scrutiny for gaming the energy markets, among other things.   I am convinced that the scandals that keep coming out are still just the tip of the iceberg.   As Jeffery Sachs said, Wall Street has become a pathological environment, and it is so 'in your face' that is hard to miss.  Unless your paycheck depends upon not seeing it.

The G20 has its conference on Reinventing Bretton Woods next week. I do not expect anything dramatic to come out of it. This process of change is going to move slowly.

See you Sunday evening.

This is what quite a bit of the non-English speaking world thinks is happening.   And they are getting mad as hell about it. 

There is change in the wind, and before it's over, it may be blowing a hurricane.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Jobs Report Runs Stocks to the Top of Trend, Gap Down VIX

Stocks are really straining to the upside here and running against the top of the trend.

The reaction to the Jobs Report today was very overdone.

But let's allow the market to take its course, and not try to get in front of it.

I think Wall Street is getting desperate to hand this hot potato off.

02 May 2013

Greg Palast: Introducing Obama's New Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker

This contains some interesting background on then State Senator Obama and his sudden entrance into the national spotlight.

Billionaire Bankster Breaks into Obama's Cabinet
By Greg Palast
May 2, 2013

You made fun of me when I suggested that President Barack Obama would nominate a confessed bank scammer, a loan-sharking mortgage predator, to his cabinet. But thar she blows!

Today, Obama has named Penny Pritzker Secretary of Commerce. As the President says, It's a milestone: the first female fraudster to hold that post. No longer will criminal bankers have to lobby the administration - because now they'll have one of their own in the Cabinet.

The following is taken from the Chapter, "Penny's from Heaven?" you'll find in my bestseller, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits.

"We never heard of this guy Barack Obama until 2004. Less than three years before taking the presidency, he was in the Illinois state senate, a swamp of scammers, backhanders, and party machine tools - not a stellar launch pad for the White House. And then, one day, state Sen. Barack Obama was visited by his fairy godmother. Her name is Penny Pritzker.

Pritzker's net worth is listed in Forbes as $1.8 billion, which is one hell of a heavy magic wand in the world of politics. Her wand would have been heavier, and her net worth higher, except that in 2001, the federal government fined her and her family $460 million for the predatory, deceitful, racist tactics and practices of Superior, the bank-and-loan-shark operation she ran on the South Side of Chicago.

Superior was the first of the deregulated go-go banks to go bust - at the time, the costliest failure ever. US taxpayers lost nearly half a billion dollars. Superior's depositors lost millions and poor folk in Sen. Obama's South Side district lost their homes.

Penny did not like paying $460 million. No, not one bit. What she needed was someone to give her Hope and Change. She hoped someone would change the banking regulators and the Commerce Department so she could get away with this crap.

Pritzker introduced Obama, the neophyte state senator, to the Ladies Who Lunch (that's really what they call themselves) on Chicago's Gold Coast. Obama got lunch, gold and better - an introduction to Robert Rubin. Rubin is a former Secretary of the Treasury, former chairman of Goldman Sachs and former co-chairman of Citibank. Even atheists recognized Rubin as the Supreme Deity of Wall Street.

Rubin opened the doors to finance industry vaults for Obama. Extraordinarily for a Democrat, Obama in 2008 raised three times as much from bankers as his Republican opponent...

Read the rest here.