24 September 2013

Fives Tonnes of Customer Gold Leave the HSBC Vault

On Monday 173,582 ounces, or roughly five tonnes, of customer gold was withdrawn the HSBC warehouse.

This takes the total gold in all of the COMEX warehouses to a new low of 6,860,160 ounces in 100 oz. bars.

The portion of this that is deliverable or 'dealer gold' remains at 672,000 ounces.

While this is adequate for the non-active delivery month of September, these are slim numbers for the upcoming active delivery month of October, and hardly appropriate for the contracts that are held through December, at least at these prices.

I will include additional charts as appropriate later on this evening.

These inventory figures indicate that option expiration shenanigans aside, higher prices will be required to move more gold into the dealer category and clear the markets at the COMEX.  The blatant price manipulation in paper has led to a tough situation for the banking cartel which seems to be at the apogee of their power, despite a prominent role in the financial crisis of only five years ago.
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always."

Mohandas K. Gandhi
Weighed, and found wanting.

Stand and deliver.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - A Quiet Option Expiration with a Few Hijinks

Markets are a bit shaky ahead of the US budget ceiling showdown. Senator Ted Cruz' filibuster will be called by procedure tomorrow, the Senate will strip out the Obamacare defunding language, and will toss it back to Boehner in the House who will have 24 hours to take whatever action he may.

They took gold and silver down overnight, and played their reindeer games in the day trade, with the metals snapping back up for slight gains in the after hours Globex session.

I will take a look at COMEX inventories this evening as we toddle on to the close of September this week.

This will not end well. It never does.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Tales of the Randy Rich

Stocks marked time today with some technical intramurals that shoved the price around a bit, trying to skin a few specs.

The markets are not quite sure to do ahead of the US budget showdown. We might see some volatility associated with this unless the adults can rein in the feral congressmen.

I see where a professorial devotee of Ayn Rand suggest that the 99% 'owe a debt of gratitude' to the wealthiest few.

If reforms are not enacted and a progressive movement does not save capitalism from itself once again it is hard to tell where things will go. 

On Bloomberg TV today the complaints of the Brazilian president about US spying on her country and official activities was dismissed as a meaningless 'tantrum.'   The US has the duty of hegemony to act in ways that may be outside the norm and all that, as a consequence of its exceptionalism.

They'll never learn.

23 September 2013

Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Tomorrow is COMEX Precious Metal Options Expiry

Gold and silver were under modest pressure through the night and today as tomorrow marks the precious metal options expiration on the COMEX. Holders of in the money options will have their bets changed to contract positions tomorrow.

Depending on how that goes we will see a market move designed to test the new holders resolve up or down.

There was no appreciable movement of bullion in or out of the COMEX last Friday. September is not usually a big delivery month. October may provide more action but I think the focus will be on December.

Let's see what happens. I am laying back a bit more now waiting for the price to show us something other than antics. Those who were caught offsides by the FOMC last week have a chance now to square up if they take it.