04 September 2014

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Ranging Day

"Facing a lack of inflation-adjusted, or real, growth in income and limited credit availability, and with a lack of willingness to take on new debt, the consumer simply does not have the wherewithal to drive positive real growth in broad domestic consumption. Personal consumption expenditure and residential investment accounted for 72% of the domestic GDP in the latest reckoning."

John Williams, Shadowstats

Seems like a fairly straightforward observation doesn't it?  Never underestimate the craven rationalizing of the privileged class.
Stocks had a wide ranging day as traders pushed the money around the plate ahead of the Non-Farm Payrolls Report.

We have the makings of a rounding top in stocks, but these are very thing markets so caution is advised until the trend is set.

And so we await that news tomorrow.

The complacency, created by the policy errors of the Fed, is so thick that if we were to receive an announcement of the end of days, I suspect that the biggest clicks would be on 'The Best Stocks to Own for Armageddon.'

There must be a God.  Otherwise people would have no one who loved them.

Have a pleasant evening.


Real News: Deep State, Big Lies, Organized Plunder, and the Power of the Moneyed Interests

A new set of interesting conversations with David Cay Johnston about his work as an investigative reporter and writer on the Real News.

This is what the one percent do not wish you to hear or understand. You will not hear this on any prime time news programs. Not even Public Broadcasting will touch this story.

This is how easily the system is manipulated, by design, for those who have the money, means, and the connections. I think Johnston explains it much better than most.

In the upcoming elections, and especially the Presidential elections of 2016, it is highly unlikely that either major party candidate will not be fully vetted and approved by the moneyed interests as a corporate brand, no matter what big time wrestling theatrics are staged to portray them as 'different' and get people worked up about it. This is not a choice; this is just sad.

Try to listen to what Johnston says without knee jerk reactions from the slogans that have been inserted by endless repetition into your thinking by corporate news outlets and think tanks. Try to hear the facts as they are.

The 'deep state' is at the heart of the partnership between private power and the government.

Part 3

Part 4

Part 1

Part 2

03 September 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Non Farm Payrolls - Freedom Is Best

"The stupidity of the average man will permit the oligarch, whether economic or political, to hide his real purposes from the scrutiny of his fellows and to withdraw his activities from effective control...

The American business oligarchy is not as hereditary as European landed aristocracies, but is for that reason neither more virtuous nor less tenacious in clinging to its power and privilege."

Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society

Dico Tibi Verum, Libertas Optima Rerum Nunquam Servili Sub Nexu Vivito, Fili.

'I tell you the truth, my son, that the best of all things is freedom. Never live under the bondage of slavery'.

William Wallace Memorial

Markets continue to slough off the geopolitical drumbeat to war that Obama and his Merry Neo-cons are playing. Even a cheery beige book was unable to turn that market frown completely upside down.

Profit taking is underway in stocks. I suspect that this means that we are soon to see another wash and rinse ahead of the Alibaba IPO which is a bit more than twenty days away.

The big tickle for the metals will be the Non-Farm Payrolls report on Friday. The whisper numbers are talking about a hot headline number. And the quiet whispers are saying, 'but what if wages do not show up? Will anyone care?'

The sentiment for precious metals is as bad as the sentiment for stocks is not bearish, with levels on stocks reaching lows of bearish sentiment not seen since before the big decline in 1987.  HFT and portfolio insurance may turn out to be twins.  And the Fed played on.

And the rest will play their outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes, thinking about their freedom, squandered, lost, or won.

Have a pleasant evening.

"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."

John McCrae

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Getting Sentimental

"Also, it was in 1987 the previous time the Investors Intelligence service said in its survey that Bears fell to 13. Today, Bears fell to 13.3 for the first time since then vs 15.1 last week. Bulls rose to 56.1 from 52.5 and the spread at 42.8 pts puts the difference back in the “dangerous” camp according to II. Above 30 is a “worry.”

I want to emphasize that this is not a timing mechanism and is just a SHORT TERM indicator but at least should put to rest the belief that this is somehow a ‘hated’ rally when bears are at a 27 year low."

Peter Boockvar

"Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters."

Victor Hugo

I don't think that the rally is 'hated.' But I do think that the stock market and Wall Street have become generally despised and seen as fraudulent.

AAPL was a drag on the NDX, ahead of its new product announcements.  Everything in this market today smelled of profit taking.  And well it could be, given the rocket like bounce that the indices took off the end of the last wash-rinse cycle.

And for those who called me foolish in forecasting this bounce, how that's perma-bearishness working out for you so far? 

What we are seeing is a lack of genuine participation, moreso than any real bearish inclination to selling.  The volumes that we do have are short term, speculative, and lacking in substance.  'Vaporous' comes to mind.  'Contrived' is another good descriptor.

What this lack of real buying with conviction implies is that any exogenous event can trigger a serious market index decline as the hot money sublimates.  Unless of course there is even greater central bank intervention brought to bear than we are seeing on an almost daily basis today.  And if the Bankers fail to stem the tide, we could see something quite remarkable.

In the absence of an event, I would expect us to continue on with the status quo, the regular back and forth, wash and rinse rigging of almost every market as the pretenses and facades wear ever more thin.

It is very difficult to forecast a market break.  But it is quite possible to analyze the structure of the market, and to judge it to be inherently unstable and fragile.  'Prone to accidents' if you will.

The political and financial class are way out over their skis, with moral hazard and the colossal winds of hubris at their backs.   It is a question of what exogenous event may trigger the next great crisis, and who will the moneyed interests try to blame.

Still, there is plenty of money to be made in the great Alibaba IPO, due towards the latter part of September, and the midterm elections are coming. A market decline sans crash *could* favor the Republicans.  Obama should carry plenty of blame, but he is more a cousin to that crowd than they would ever care to admit beyond the theatrics of the political wrestling ring.

This current situation appears to be unsustainable.   But never underestimate the power of paper money in the hands of frightened, unscrupulous men.  

Have a pleasant evening.