02 July 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Spokesmodels Left Speechless - Gold Rockets $33 Higher

“There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

Søren Kierkegaard

"Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is a pious, hollow hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, or hidden, that shall not be made known.  Whatever has been said in the darkness shall be heard in the light: and what has been whispered behind closed doors shall be shouted from the roof tops."

Luke 12:1-3

"A sentiment of trust in the legal money of the State is so deeply implanted in the citizens of all countries that they cannot but believe that some day this money must recover a part at least of its former value.

To their minds it appears that value is inherent in money as such, and they do not apprehend that the real wealth, which this money might have stood for, has been dissipated once and for all.

This sentiment is supported by the various legal regulations with which the Governments endeavor to control internal prices, and so to preserve some purchasing power for their legal tender.

Thus the force of law preserves a measure of immediate purchasing power over some commodities and the force of sentiment and custom maintains, especially amongst peasants, a willingness to hoard paper which is really worthless."

John Maynard Keynes, Economic Consequences of the War

That last quote by Keynes is one of my favorite quotes about fiat money. Modern Money is a mix of force and fraud. As the fraud grows thin, the force must increase.

Gold rocketed $30 higher today, gaining back everything it lost on Monday, and then some.

This violent snapback rally lends itself to the theory that the smackdown of the past few days was designed to reduce the open interest in the August futures contracts.

It may also be significant that gold was pummeled down to its 50% Fibonacci retracement on the latest leg higher, but they could not make that stick— and got it stuffed back in their faces.

If gold can hold 1400 through the Non-Farm Payrolls nonsense, and make a higher high, this is very bullish action. 

The spokesmodels were chortling when gold was smacked lower yesterday, and forecasting even lower prices down to $1350.  But they were silent about its vicious snapback rally today.   How unusual.

I find it a bit odd that with these price fluctuations there is zero activity being shown out of the Hong Kong comex gold warehouses.   This is a dog that is failing to bark.

Rumors of a bullion bank being caught with its pants down have been making the rounds. I wonder if it involves a physical delivery.

Oil dumped today.   This was particularly odd given the recent strong statements from the latest OPEC meeting.  Well, they can reduce supply, but they cannot create demand.

Stocks caught a strong bid into the close.  It looks like another blow off top is in the making. I am getting my bear claws ready.

They'll never learn.  Why should they, when their paydays from this have been so personally fulfilling.

Someone is in trouble somewhare behind the scenes.   Who or what it is, we do not yet know,

But it may very well involve a difficultly in meeting one's obligations.

Have a pleasant evening.

P.S. Gold exploded even higher after hours, rising $17 to 1436. It is hovering below 1430 now. Odd.

01 July 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - From Instruments of Darkness Come Instruments of Change

"The love of wicked men converts to fear;
That fear to hate, and hate turns one or both
To worthy danger and deserved death."

William Shakespeare, Richard II

"All the world marveled at this, and gave their allegiance to the beast. They worshiped the dragon for giving such power to him. as they also worshiped the beast.  'Who is as great as the beast?' they exclaimed.  'And who is able to resist him?'  The beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God.  And he was given the authority to do what he willed, but only for forty-two months."

Revelation 13:3-5

"But ’tis strange.
And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray us
In deepest consequence."

William Shakespeare, Macbeth

As you may know by now, there was the usual tweetfest out of Osaka over the weekend, and an apparent thawing in the deadlock in discussions between the US and China.

Stock futures soared, and the risk on trades were unleashed. The US Dollar rose triumphantly against most major currencies.

And in that process, gold and silver were trounced.

Well, there was a certain amount of tension built up in the market, and a reversal of recent trends was not unexpected, given the willing stimulus of Trumpolini's declaration of yet another miracle of his personal diplomacy.

The stock rocket faded badly into the afternoon, but managed to recover a little bit into the close.  Still, it was an impressive display.

There will be a Non-Farm Payrolls report on Friday.

The spokesmodels were appalled by the violence in the Hong Kong protests over the weekend, and that damage that was inflicted upon the empty legislature building.

As you may have noticed in the news, or not, despite this wonderful abundant economy, the number of suicides in the US are at a record pace not seen since World War II.

And that is just how things are, in that sunny world of wonder.  It can't be helped.

So there is joy amongst the elite, and within the halls of power, at their many triumphs, bringing further opportunities.

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.

And what will they think of next?

Have a pleasant evening.

28 June 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - End of Month, End of Quarter

"Never in the current cycle have investors been so determined to deny what’s staring them in the face."

Danielle DiMartino Booth

"[Kamala] Harris is everything the US empire’s unelected power establishment wants in a politician: charismatic, commanding, and completely unprincipled. In that sense she’s like Obama, only better.

Trump supporters like to claim that the president is fighting the establishment, citing the open revulsion that so many noxious establishment figures have for him. But the establishment doesn’t hate Trump because he opposes them; he doesn’t oppose existing power structures in any meaningful way at all. The reason the heads of those power structures despise Trump is solely because he sucks at narrative management and puts an ugly face on the ugly things that America’s permanent government is constantly doing. He’s bad at managing their assets.

Kamala Harris is the exact opposite of this. She’d be able to obliterate noncompliant nations and dead-end the left for eight years, and look good while doing it. She’s got the skills to become president, and she’ll have the establishment backing as well."

Caitlin Johnstone, Kamala Harris Is an Oligarch's Dream

And the paint dries on the tape for the end of the quarter boogie woogie.

All eyes will be on twitter this weekend, as Trumpolini meets with China's Xi.

I need to go and help the kids with something.

The market will always be there.

Have a pleasant weekend.

27 June 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Fear of Mispriced Risk Is Sucking The Oxygen Out of the Markets

Estragon: We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?

Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

"This is where policy errors begin to happen, when the Fed cannot acknowledge they're actually damaging the economy."

Danielle DiMartino Booth

DDB is describing the credibility trap.

The markets are just slip-sliding sideways here, waiting for something to happen.

I could comment on the Democratic debates. If I had watched them.

Trumpolini is on his way to the G20 in Osaka.

I will be very surprised if any good comes out of it.

Have a pleasant evening.

Admittedly, the latter part of the 60's and most of the 70's are a bit hazy in spots. But I am almost certain that I saw this local (Youngstown) band perform live at a dance club in northeastern Ohio, the home of my missspent youth.