09 September 2021

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Take It To the Limit, One More Time - The Downward Spiral of Dumbness


“Benign remedies are for the innocent.  Misdeeds, once exposed, have no refuge but in audacity.  And they had accomplices in all those who feared the same fate.” 

Tacitus, Annals


"If we are dealing with psychology, then the thermometers one uses to measure it have an effect.  I was raising the question on the side with Governor Mullins of what would happen if the Treasury sold a little gold in this market.  There's an interesting question here because if the gold price broke [lower] in that context, the thermometer [price of gold] would not be just a measuring tool.  It would basically affect the underlying psychology. 

Now, we don't have the 'legal' right to sell gold but I'm just frankly curious about what people's views are on situations of this nature because something unusual is involved in policy here.  We're not just going through the standard policy where the money supply is expanding, the economy is expanding, and the Fed tightens. This is a wholly different thing." 

Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Minutes, May 18, 1993


"We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further.   A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake.   Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it.  It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded.  The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down.  So was the U.K." 

Sir Edward 'Steady Eddie' George, Governor Bank of England in conversation with Nicholas J. Morrell, of Lonmin Plc, 1999


Stocks attempted to rally, but fell into the red in the afternoon, and went out near the lows.

The Dollar dropped to the mid-range of the 92 handle.

Gold and silver rallied back a bit from the recent 'mini-me' smackdown.

The gold bullion readily available in Hong Kong for Comex delivery is getting a bit sparse again.

Time to milk the ETFs for gold bullion again?

Robbing Peter to pay Ping.

Just keep the music playing as long as the punch and profits are flowing.

They'll never learn.   Because their paychecks depend on maintaining a downward spiral of dumbness.

And so gold keeps flowing, from West to East.

Have a pleasant evening



08 September 2021

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - This Attractive But Deceitful World - Dr Evil Followed Up By Mini-Me


"The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans are the nation’s most egregious tax evaders, failing to pay as much as $163 billion in owed taxes per year, according to a new Treasury Department report released on Wednesday.

The analysis comes as the Biden administration is pushing lawmakers to embrace its ambitious proposal to invest in beefing up the Internal Revenue Service to narrow the 'tax gap,' which it estimates amounts to $7 trillion in unpaid taxes over a decade. 

The White House has proposed investing $80 billion in the tax collection agency over the next 10 years to hire more enforcement staff, overhaul its technology and usher in new information-reporting requirements that would give the government greater insight into tax evasion schemes.  The proposals have been met with deep skepticism from Republicans and business lobbyists." 

DNYUZ, The top 1 percent are evading $163 billion a year in taxes


"Ayn Rand's 'philosophy' is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society.  Moral values are in flux.  The muddy depths are being stirred by new monsters and witches from the deep.  Trolls walk the American night.  Caesars are stirring in the Forum.

To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil. "

Gore Vidal,  Comment, Esquire, July 1961


"But there is a sort of 'Ok guys, you're mad, but how are you going to stop me' mentality at the top." 

Robert Johnson, Audacious Oligarchy


Gold and silver were hit again today down to trend resistance, but managed to bounce back a bit into the close.

Not a Dr Evil class market swindle as we saw a week or so ago, but maybe a 'mini-me.'

Stocks were lower, even the storied big cap tech stocks.

The Dollar moved a little higher.

Again this looks like a very technical trade.

But we are entering what has proven historically to be a volatile season for stock bubbles.

Let's see what the rest of the week brings.

Have a pleasant evening.

07 September 2021

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Gold and Silver Mugged On Dollar Rally


"Every century is like every other, and to those who live in it seems worse than all times before it.  The Church is ever ailing, and lingers on in weakness.  The cause of Christ is ever in its last agony, as though it were but a question of time whether it fails finally this day or another.

The Saints are ever all but failing from the earth, and Christ all but coming; and thus the Day of Judgment is literally ever at hand; and it is our duty ever to be looking out for it, not disappointed that we have so often said, 'now is the moment,' and that at the last, contrary to our expectation, truth has somewhat rallied."

John Henry Newman, Via Media


I am posting the charts early tonight and will skip the commentary, except to note the mugging of gold and silver this morning, the rise in the Dollar, on some perception about interest rates. 

Some of the miners took an extra hit over their exposure to the political unrest in Guinea.

Stocks were off but the big cap techs managed to keep on trucking. 

Today smells like teen spirit, and a technical trade after the shock Jobs Report.

I am going to see an oral surgeon (for the first time) and doubt I will feel like posting anything later. It's only one tooth that went bad under a crown but still...   Ugh.  

Have a pleasant evening.





03 September 2021

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Precious Metals Soar as Weakness of Recovery Data - Holiday Weekend


"Gold has worked down from Alexander's time.  When something holds good for two thousand years I do not believe it can be so because of prejudice or mistaken theory."  

Bernard M. Baruch


“When the system is rigged, when ordinary citizens are powerless, and when whistle-blowers are pariahs at best, three things happen.  First, the worst people rise to the top.  They behave appallingly, and they wreak havoc.  Second, people who could make productive contributions to society are incented to become destructive, because corruption is far more lucrative than honest work.  

And third, everyone else pays, both economically and emotionally; people become cynical, selfish, and fatalistic. Often they go along with the system, but they hate themselves for it. They play the game to survive and feed their families, but both they and society suffer.” 

Charles H. Ferguson, Inside Job 


Misdeeds, once exposed, have no refuge but in audacity. And they had accomplices in all those who feared the same fate.” 

Tacitus, Annals 


It appears that there is a dwindling and overleveraged supply of gold and silver heading towards an unmanageable and relentless source of demand.

Or in other words, exhaustible supply meets seemingly insatiable demand.

Gold and silver rallied strongly on the much weaker than expected Jobs Report.

 The recent and illegal Dr. Evil smack down in prices comes full circle, once again. 

What a surprise. 

The assumption by the markets is that the weakness of The RecoveryTM will keep the Fed on the sidelines except for the occasional symbolic effort and jawboning.

Stocks had another ranging day, giving 'investors' vertigo.

The SP 500 could not quite regain the green, finishing slightly lower for the day.

The bubble marquee stocks ended slightly higher.

There will be a Labor Day holiday in the US on Monday, so those markets will be closed.

Have a pleasant weekend.