03 December 2010

Miss In US Non-Farm Payrolls Number 39,000 Vs.150,000 Expected - Unemployment Up to 9.8%

Reality briefly penetrated the fog of appearance this morning as US Non-Farm Payrolls came in at 39,000, a significant miss from the expected 150,000. Unemployment ticked up higher from 9.5% to 9.8%.

An analysis of the data showed a slight indication that the recovery has stuttered and stopped, but it will take a few more months data to confirm this.

The adjustments seems to dampen the potential headline number but are within bounds of the prior six years. The Birth Death Model actually came in negative which was a bit of an outlier but certainly a refreshing nod to reality.

Looking at the historical Oct-Nov growth in the unadjusted numbers for the past six years shows a clear downward trend from the high in November 2005, with the low coming in November 2008. The growth as it stands in 2010 is roughly the same as it was in 2004, although the 2010 numbers will likely be revised in the next two reports.

Stocks and the Dollar initially plunged on the news while gold rallied threatening to take out psychological resistance at 1400. I guess we now know why gold and silver were obviously hit by sharp manipulative selling yesterday, in order to take the prices down below breakout levels. Be on watch for shenanigans in the markets today, especially the SP futures markets.

There can be no sustained economic recovery until the median wage and employment improve and this requires specific reforms and programs to repair the damage caused by twenty years of irresponsible monetary, regulatory, and fiscal policy and a growing imbalance in the balance sheets of the middle class. Repairing the status quo merely restores the unsustainable.

The Fed's approach to quantitative easing is nothing more than an adjunct to the trickle down, supply-side approach. Provide money to the banks and the people will borrow; provide subsidies and tax cuts to those who have the most already and the condition of the many will improve. Trickle down, supply side, and efficient markets hypothesis are at best mistaken economic theories, and at worst coldly calculated propaganda by the same people who co-opted the political process and brought forward the control frauds that led to the financial crisis.

02 December 2010

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Silver got a very stiff gutcheck from the wiseguys when it hit resistance at 29 intraday. Gold followed it down on the same bear raid. It could not have been more obvious. Someone came into a thin market and started dumping contracts.

Tomorrow is the Non-Farm payrolls report and those that follow these things know that the metals are often hit around this event. Don't ask me why, as it makes less sense than the same sort of action around delivery dates and options expiration.

Perhaps this is about perception management. Some of the economic analysts talk as those perception were everything, all that really matters, as if they were from the Fernando Lamas School of Financial Management.
"It is better to LOOK good than to feel good, and dahling, you look MARVELOUS."
And so we are witnessing the Persecution and Assassination of the Middle Class as Performed by the Inmates of the US Financial System under the Direction of the Wall Street Banks.

When appearance finally meets reality the dissonance it throws out will shake the world's financial markets to their very foundations.

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. T. Petronius
(The world wills itself to be deceived, so let it be deceived.)

SP 500 and NDX December Futures Daily Charts

As they said on Bloomberg TV today, 'the haves are doing very well.'