23 October 2012

Net Asset Value Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

GTU must be a difficult borrow, since it maintains a robust premium during an obviously calculated raid on the metals.  It is thinly floated as these things go, and there are no options on it that I can find.

Subsequently I am told there are no shares available for borrow by several brokers.  Whether this is a general condition everywhere I do not know.

The financial firms obtain a number of Sprott shares from the underwritings. This can be used for the borrow game, and are probably subject to leverage and naked shorting at that given the condition of the shorting and clearing in these equity markets.

22 October 2012

More On the German Gold Reserves Controversy - Where Is the Gold?

"Another amusing incident arose from the fact that the Reichsbank maintained a not inconsiderable gold deposit in the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.  Strong was proud to be able to show us the vaults which were situated in the deepest cellar of the building and remarked:

'Now, Herr Schacht, you shall see where the Reichsbank gold is kept.'

While the staff looked for the hiding place of the Reichsbank gold we went through the vaults.We waited several minutes: at length we were told:

'Mr. Strong, we can't find the Reichsbank gold.'

Strong was flabbergasted but I comforted him. 'Never mind: I believe you when you say the gold is there. Even if it weren't you are good for its replacement.'"

Hjalmar Schacht, Autobiography: Confessions of 'The Old Wizard',  p.245

Is history rhyming once again?

One can only hope not so fully, as the central banker Schacht later became an integral part of a notoriously despicable regime after the fall of the Weimar Republic.

And if the gold is misplaced or otherwise preoccupied, is the Fed still 'good for it?' Perhaps not, in these times of rather tight and multiply allocated physical supply.

At least the German people are beginning to hold their politicians and bankers accountable, unlike their Western counterparts.

What has been hidden will be revealed, and what has been secret will be brought to light.

The Associated Press
Unease About Germany's Unchecked Gold Reserves
By Juergen Baetz
October 22, 2012

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s central bank has failed to properly oversee the country’s massive gold reserves, which have been stored abroad since the Cold War in case of a Soviet invasion, independent auditors say.

The central bank must renegotiate its contracts to gain the right to inspect its gold bars, which are worth tens of billions of dollars and are stored in the United States, Britain and France, the Federal Auditors’ Office said in a report to lawmakers obtained by The Associated Press on Monday.

The report says the gold bars ‘‘have never been physically checked by the Bundesbank itself or other independent auditors regarding their authenticity or weight.’’ Instead, it relies on a ‘‘written confirmations by the storage sites.’’

Most of Germany’s gold reserves — some 3,400 tons worth an estimated $190 billion at current rates — have been kept in the vaults of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of France and the Bank of England since the postwar days, when Berlin worried about a possible land war with the Soviet bloc.

The auditors maintain that the central bank must be able to at least inspect samples of its gold bars in regular intervals to verify their book value.

The report acknowledges that such inspections might be logistically complicated, but it stresses that ‘‘this cannot discharge from the necessity to carry out an inventory.’’

The central bank said in a reaction to the report that was also sent to lawmakers Monday that it sees no reason for a physical inspection of the bars. ‘‘There is no doubt about the integrity of the foreign storage sites in this regard,’’ it stated.

The debate on most of the gold reserves being held by foreign authorities has caused some inevitable conspiracy theories questioning their very existence, but several German politicians have also voiced unease.

Philipp Missfelder, a leading lawmaker from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right party, has asked the Bundesbank for the right to view the gold bars in Paris and London, but the central bank has denied the request, citing the lack of visitor rooms in those facilities, German daily Bild reported.

Given the growing political unease about the issue and the pressure from auditors, the central bank decided last month to repatriate some 50 tons of gold in each of the three coming years from New York to its headquarters in Frankfurt for ‘‘thorough examinations’’ regarding weight and quality, the report revealed.

An initiative backed by some German economists, industry leaders and a few lawmakers dubbed ‘‘bring home our gold’’ launched in May has attracted some 10,000 supporters online so far.

But Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and others maintain that there is no reason to worry.

‘‘I currently have no doubt about the stock and the storage of the gold reserves,’’ said Priska Hinz, the opposition Greens top lawmaker on the budget committee. ‘‘I do not doubt the reliability of the foreign central banks,’’ she told the AP.

Several passages of the auditors’ report were blackened out in the copy shared with lawmakers, citing the Bundesbank’s concerns that they could compromise secrets involving the central banks storing the gold.

The report said that the gold pile in London has fallen ‘‘below 500 tons’’ due to recent sales and repatriations, but it did not specify how much gold was held in the U.S. and in France. German media have widely reported that some 1,500 tons — almost half of the total reserves — are stored in New York.

GATA had this to day about that last paragraph concerning the decline in the amount of gold held in London for Germany.
"So despite the lack of official announcement, Germany lately has been selling gold from London -- perhaps as part of the secret "strategic activities" grudgingly acknowledged two years ago by the Bundesbank to GATA's friend, the German financial journalist Lars Schall.

The lack of announcement of the sale of the German gold in London suggests that the sale was actually part of a gold swap with another central bank -- like the New York Fed.

That is, the powerful implication here is that German gold in London was sold at the behest of the United States and in exchange Germany took title to United States gold vaulted in the United States -- or title to gold supposedly vaulted in the United States. This way the Bundesbank could continue to claim ownership of the same amount of gold without lying, at least not technically."

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, German gold report reveals secret sales that likely were part of swaps

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Gold Tags the Handle Target of 30% - Germany's Gold

Last night gold broke down to tag our 30% correction objective (about 9 PM EST) which is just shy of 1710 spot, and then turned around and moved higher. Gold and silver were actually reasonably resilient most of today even as stocks moved lower led by the SP.

There was a rather interesting story in Der Spiegel today, reporting that a Federal Court has ordered the Bundesbank to undertake thorough audits of German gold, including the gold held in London and New York.  They may bring back 50 tonnes or so to verify it more closely.  Rechnungshof fordert Inventur der Goldreserven. Here is a translation courtesy of my friend Peter.

Der Spiegel
BundesbankRechnungshof demands inventory of the gold reserves
22 October 2012

Berlin - Germany's gold is safely kept in Central Bank vaults in Frankfurt am Main, New York, Paris and London. Apparently, nobody has verified that. The German General Accounting Office has now demanded a regular review and inventory of the huge gold reserves abroad by the Bundesbank.

The Auditors justified this in a report to the Budget Committee of the Bundestag on Monday citing the "high value of the gold reserves". The German gold reserves stored at other banks have never been audited by the Bundesbank itself, or by other independent auditors, that is, "physically tabulated and with their authenticity and weight verified." Indeed, numerous conspiracy theories abide on the topic -- the US gold reserves in Fort Knox were taken a long time ago.

The Bundesbank has, after the United States, the second largest gold reserves in the world. At the end of 2011 it was 3396 tons worth 133 billion euros. After the soaring of price of gold, it should be realistically even about 142 billion euros. The gold bars are kept by the Bundesbank in safes in Frankfurt am Main and three storage places abroad: at the US Federal Reserve (Fed) in New York, the French National Bank in Paris, and the Bank of England in London.

Bundesbank is retrieving tons of gold from New York

The Court of Auditors has to ascertain, on behalf of the Bundestag, whether the Bundesbank is precisely scrutinizing the gold it is storing abroad. It is controversial whether the practice by the Bundesbank for years is sufficient, to only rely on a written confirmation as to the gold bars by the foreign central banks.

The Court of Auditors therefore recommends that the Bundesbank negotiate a right to the physical examination of stocks with the three foreign banks. With the implementation of this recommendation the Bundesbank started according to the report. Also the bank has decided in the next three years to bring to Germany 50 tonnes of gold these from the Fed in New York, to make a detailed examination here. The report contains speculation in several passages. So is not clear from the paper, how much gold is exactly stored at which foreign Central Bank.

The bullion held at the Bundesbank headquarters consist of 82.857 bars, mostly stored in sealed containers with 50 bars each, which, according to the report, are kept in four separately sealed safes. A part of them (6183 ingot) are outsourced in the so-called gold Chamber being stored on open shelves in a separate safe. To secure the gold, according to the report: "The safes external shutter is double, the internal closures and the gold Chamber is under a triple lock. "

So what next? That's all anyone ever wants to know.

The handle target was touched in the overnight, but a few more tests to 'set it' would not be unlikely. And recall that a drop below that target is not a big deal, unless you are short term and highly leveraged, unless the spot price should happen to drop below the 50% correction level.

So let's see what happens.