03 May 2014

Matt Taibbi: Minding the Wealth Gap

Munk Debate On State Surveillance: Hayden-Dershowitz vs. Ohanian-Greenwald

Alan Dershowitz and Michael Hayden versus Alexis Ohanian and Glenn Greenwald, with a video appearance by Edward Snowden.

The actual debate starts around minute 27 on the video. You may use your cursor to click ahead to it.

02 May 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - More of the Same

If not for the manipulative efforts, there appears to be little legitimate trading volume left to the Comex metals.

The usual games overnight, and a bounce back to the magic 1300 level for gold.

The Jobs Report sucked out loud, despite the 'better than expected' headline jobs number which in my estimation was largely a contrivance, based on a skew in the seasonality and a rather large Birth-Death model addition. 

The unemployment percentage is largely irrelevant now, given all the tinkering they have done with the long term unemployed who are no longer counted among job-seekers.   The hourly wage remains stagnant, not keeping pace with prices.

Have a pleasant weekend.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, But Alas, Few Wages

Job growth continues at its aenemic pace despite the better than expected headline monthly number, which was largely due to a seasonality adjustment and an outsized Birth-Death model addition.

Wage growth was stagnant, and labor force participation continues to drop.

There is a pig under all that lipstick and mascara, and its name is insatiable greed and the folly of selfishness.

Have a pleasant evening.