22 November 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Comex Option Expiration - Tableau Sans Vie

"The Unspeakable—  

It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said; the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss.

It is the emptiness of the end.   It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience.

You are in no position to issue commands, but you can speak words of hope.  

Shall this be the substance of your message?   Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man,  for it is the image of God."

Thomas Merton

Gold and silver largely marked time today on the December option expiration for precious metals on the Comex.

There was nothing of importance in the delivery reports, and little to note in warehouse movements.

The Comex is too often like a tableau sans vie.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - New Highs On Light Volumes

That could be the epitaph of our age— the appearance of new highs, but on ephemerally light volumes, lacking in both effect and substance.

Have a pleasant evening.

21 November 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Risk On Trump

After the bell there was a magnitude 6.9 earthquake off the cost of Fukushima prefecture, about 160 miles from Tokyo .  A tsunami warning has been issued.

I hope that all of you in the affected areas will be listening to instructions carefully.  I will be remembering you all in my prayers, as I do for all readers of Le Cafe each week, without fail, in addition to all the special intentions of my correspondents and their families.

We had the first snowfall of the season this weekend past.  It was quite the surprise to see an inch of snow on the ground in the early morning after heavy rains the night before.  I am glad I am keeping up with the yardwork.   Some places north of here in the higher elevations had six inches of snow.

Winter is coming.

Gold and silver were largely marking time today ahead of the Comex precious metals option expiration tomorrow in this holiday-shortened week.

The dollar was not quite as exuberant today as it has recently been.  This is understandable because it has come very far in a short period of time off the US election results.

We picked up a new car on Saturday, and so far it seems quite nice.   We chose a Subaru Forester.  We took a little drive in it today to the doctor's office, and took a swing back through the nearby 'horse country' to drive past the mighty Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster which I had never seen before.

My father-in-law was an avid golfer, and when he visited us I sometimes took him to see the USGA golf headquarters and museum in the next town over in Far Hills, NJ.  There are collections and memorabilia on display which are substantial and significant.

There is also the official testing facility for balls and clubs which is fascinating.  I don't know if the test lab is still open to the public.  I am not a golfer but I liked to take the visiting relatives to see it.

The association is housed in what had been the private residence of Averell Harriman, of Brown Brothers Harriman.  Some of the mansions around the Somerset Hills are fairly impressive, both old and new.  The higher elevations provided cooler weather in Summer, with easy access by train to NYC.

When we first moved here the train line to NYC was still running the DC electric trains that Edison had created, with old time wicker seats and big wooden ceiling fans.   The Gladstone line was the last leg of NJ Transit to get upgraded to AC current service and modern cars.  But that was long ago.

Speaking of which, turkeys are certainly in vogue this week.  We picked ours up for .99 per pound for a fresh Butterball turkey at Costco.  I am sure it will do the job for our family dinner this Thursday.

Let's see how gold and silver do into the long holiday weekend, with the option expiration under their belts after tomorrow.

The delivery report for gold showed another big customer disgorgement, but otherwise all was quiet.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Trump Rally Continues to New Highs

It was rally time and risk on again today as all the major indices were climbing to new highs, with some lagging in the big cap tech names.

The expectations of the benefits of the Trump Administration for US business interests are quite high.

This will be a holiday shortened week.

Have a pleasant evening.

20 November 2016

18 November 2016

Just Charts at 2:30

"While Democrats point fingers at anyone they can find, the evidence mounts that all critical sectors of their party’s apparatus fundamentally failed. Their renowned strategic geniuses were blinded with arrogance and error:  David Plouffe, who ran Obama’s 2008 campaign, said that Clinton was a ‘one hundred per cent’ lock and advised nervous Democrats to stop ‘wetting the bed, reports The New Yorker’s David Remnick this week.

The party’s operatives and pundits used bullying tactics to clear the field for an obviously weak and vulnerable candidate, and then insisted on nominating her despite those weaknesses, many of which were self-inflicted, and in the face of mountains of empirical evidence that her primary-race opponent was more likely to win...

And the party is widely perceived to be devoted to elite Wall Street tycoons and war-making interests at the expense of pretty much everyone else, and chose a candidate who could not have been better designed to exacerbate those concerns if that had been the goal."

Glenn Greenwald, The Democrats Blame-Everyone-Else Posture

We have a quiet stock option expiration this Friday, as stock prices were already driven far and fast higher after the presidential election lows.

The day is beautiful and warm, and the duty of yardwork calls.

Have a pleasant weekend.