15 June 2011

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Pandora with a P, But Has Greece Opened the Box?

VIX spiked over its 200 DMA today. Keep a close eye on where it goes next.

I shifted gears on my short positions late in the day, from triple short to the same units in an SP index short. Both sides of the paired trade were working for the account as gold spiked higher. I did take a few more profits. I own no miners now except for one special situation.

This is still option expiration and even with Greece overhanging the market, the wiseguys are more concerned with their bonuses than with anything else unless it hits them in the face.

Carlyle is doing a review of the investment banks to see who can claim the honor of handling their prospective IPO. I wonder how much of that resume will include managing the market in order to get that pig out in rough waters. If that's the case look for JPM and Goldman to have lead roles.

My first thought is that the Carlyle IPO would mark Land's End, and the cliffside boundary. Let's see what happens.